


8、坐姿能显露一个人的个性。坐时翘起一条腿:相当自信,个性懒散,不容易幻想,任何私人问题或烦恼都不能使之困扰,信心形之于外。坐时双腿并拢,双脚平放地上:坦率、开放而诚实,具有洁癖和守时 的习惯,喜欢有规律的生活,按照时间表行事会觉得比较自在。坐时双腿伸前,双脚在踝部叉起:希望成为中心人物,有保守且近乎愚蠢的意志,喜欢求取稳定。坐时一脚盘在另一脚下:个性独特,凡事漠不关心,无责任感,喜欢受人注目,有创新力,作风不拘于传统。坐时两膝并拢,两脚分开约一英尺:对周围事物非常敏感,观察入微,由于深谙人情世故,相当体贴别人,也能原谅别人,多愁善感。坐时双脚在膝部交叉,一脚勾另在一脚后:逗人喜爱,非常得人缘,个性好静,容易与别人相处,不善夸耀或虚饰。 此外,坐下后摸嘴巴者,往往情绪不安,猜疑心颇重:摸膝盖者往往以为将有好事临身,自负之心颇高:摸下巴者是为某种事而烦恼:刚坐下就不断抓头发的人,性子较急,喜欢速战速决,情意不一,容易见异思迁:坐下后喜欢由下而上摸额的人,能言善道,说服力强,但这种人手段也往往比较狡诈。




12、 撒谎者不像惯常理解的那样会回避对方的眼神,反而更需要眼神交流来判断你是否相信他说的话;说谎者在说谎前会眼神飘移 在想好说什么谎后 会眼神肯定 如果你冷静的反驳 说谎者会再次出现眼神飘移。撒谎者面对一个提问,通常会先有点失措,然后借假笑的时间迅速思考,想出一个并不高明的谎言,然后异常坚定地回应。而且,甚至会一直自言自语,越说越多,因为沉默的时候,他觉得别人还在怀疑他。

卖弄风情型。把酒杯举到身体裸露的部位 如脖子、手臂 前,一边啜饮,一边用目光交流感情,或是边注视对方边慢慢将酒饮尽。这通常是对你感兴趣、想引起你注意,你最好表现出欣赏和赞美。
20、英国伦敦大学心理学家格伦·威尔逊教授等人发现,吃饭时喜欢举着酒杯到处走,并且滔滔不绝说着自己观点的人通常自信开放,希望结识更多朋友。喜欢炫耀自 己的酒量、举着酒杯四处与人干杯的人通常有些虚荣,饭局上容易"得意忘形",但控制力有限,易与人起争执。把酒杯放在不显眼的位置,或者抓得紧紧的人通常 防备心理较重,不希望与他人过多交往。

等开餐时有些坐立不安,食物一上桌就狼吞虎咽的人大都性格爽朗,没有什么心眼,做事也积极肯干。 讲究餐具和环境卫生的人通常心思细腻,哪怕一个小骨头掉在桌上也要捡到,生活中也有条不紊,擅于打理。什么菜都要尝一口的人爱冒险,冲劲十足。而一吃完饭 就离开桌子的人多以自我为中心,很少考虑别人的想法。

此外,爱喝什么酒也与性格特点有关。选择啤酒的人通常乐意迎合他人,也容易获得别 人的好感。选择洋酒的人很重视气氛和情调,喜欢怀旧、容易伤感,性格比较敏感。爱喝葡萄酒或香槟酒的人懂得享受生活,对事物的见解独特,对他人的要求也较 高。而爱喝白酒的人天生具有活力,性情率直,通常交际广阔,但缺乏耐心和恒心。

21、 从读书看性格   :在美国纽约,有一个名叫"希尔塞心理咨询中心"的研究机构。它的主任霍夫曼博士是一位著名的心理学家,他经过多年的研究之后发现,读书与人的性格之间有着密不可分的内在联系。正因为如此,可以通过读者业余时间喜爱阅读的图书报刊种类的不同,来了解他们在个性上的一些特点以及在情绪方面的某些变化。
如果很欣赏喜剧性的书籍——忧愁、痛苦和烦恼一定和你无缘,因为你是一个乐天派。笑口常开,青春永驻,具有潇洒的风度和风趣的性格,任何困难或阻力都无法使你为难。 !




















Orignal From: 不能不懂的社交暗语



















Orignal From: 常用凉茶配方-以后再陆续添加







石斛茶: 每次6克,用开水煮后喝。













菊花+枸杞 舒肝明目、补肾

玫瑰花+绿梅花 活血调经、疏肝理气

苔丁茶+绿茶 降血脂、明目





Orignal From: 养生茶混搭喝讲究配伍












Orignal From: 上火喝凉茶四禁忌








































属脾的音阶: 宫音,相当于简谱中的"1"。宫调式乐曲风格悠扬沉静,淳厚庄重,有如"土"般宽厚结实,可入脾。







属肺的音阶: 商音,相当于简谱中的"2"。商调式乐曲风格高亢悲壮,铿锵雄伟,具有"金"之特性,可入肺。




























秋天,天高云淡,金风萧瑟,花木凋落,气候干燥,令人口干舌燥,嘴唇干裂中医称之"秋燥"这时宜饮用青茶。青茶,又称乌龙茶,属半发酵茶介于红茶和绿茶间。色泽青褐,冲泡后可看到叶片中间呈青色,叶缘呈红色 ,素有"青叶镶边"美誉,既有绿茶的清香和天然的花香,又有红茶醇厚的滋味。不寒不热,温热适中,有润肤润喉生津,清除体内积热,让机体适应自然环境之变化的作用。






Orignal From: 音乐五行养生茶



作者:胡隽欣 丁其林 来源:新华社






Orignal From: 首届全球青年科学家峰会在新加坡举行


“安倍丸”的外交航向 “中日一战论”可以休矣?

作者: 南方周末特约撰稿 刘柠         转至南方周末      





1977年8月,前日本首相福田赳夫访问菲律宾时发表了包括"不做军事大国"等的对东盟外交三原则,后被称作"福田主义"(Fukuda Doctrine)。这奠定了日本战后与东南亚诸国全面和解的基础,从而成就了1980年代以日本为首、包括"四小龙"、东盟诸国及中国的"雁阵"发展模式,日本也成了东盟最信任的国家之一。



安倍此番上台伊始,牵制中国的动机如出一辙,且愈发明显:内阁决定修改民主党政府制定的《防卫计划大纲》,同时修订《中期防卫力整备计划》,旨在强化包括钓鱼岛在内的西南诸岛的离岛防卫体制,具体化能灵活应对多种事态的所谓"动态防卫力"(Dynamic Defense),其针对性十分露骨。






事实上,他更多被看成是"战略的国际协调主义者",或"新现实主义者"(New Realist)。所谓"新现实主义者",据日本政治评论家、前自民党参院副干事长山本一太(Ichita Yamamoto)的研究,是近十余年来,日本政坛上出现的一种新兴政治势力。他们既非"新保守",也不是单纯的"鹰派",与那些一味强调实力平衡的传统现实主义者也不尽相同。他们时刻直视、追踪国际社会出现的新变化,主张某种富于战略性的现实主义外交政策。他们不会把情感因素带入外交事务,一切用理性和逻辑说事,比较强调国际协调和民主主义价值观。




















Orignal From: "安倍丸"的外交航向 "中日一战论"可以休矣?


新GRE作文Argument提纲详细整理 含范文

新GRE作文Argument提纲/范文详细整理 英文的word版 点此下载





Orignal From: 新GRE作文Argument提纲详细整理 含范文


Claim: Knowing about the past cannot help people to make important decisions today. Reason: We are not able to make connections between current events and past events until we have some distance from both

可供参考老题库54. "History teaches us only one thing: knowing about the past cannot help people to make important decisions today."



1. It is a common misconception that what happened in the past has nothing to do with present society.

2. Individually, men can learn from the experience of great figures in history.

3. In business, case studies enable business people to confront their every day challenges.

4. Admittedly, there are entirely new problems that we have to cope with on our own without any precedent in history to refer to.



1. 在作出某些重大决定时历史给了我们很大的帮助,无论从哪个角度来说(个人的角度、从社会的角度、科学角度)

2.1 At the individual level,我们的决定往往会受历史人物及故事的影响

例:a student inspired by the courage and tenacity of history's great explorers might decide as a result to pursue a career in archeology, oceanography, or astronomy;林肯(Abraham Lincoln)的奋斗经历会激励我们不向命运低头,通过奋斗改变兹己的命运;哥白尼(Copernicus)同学故事告诉我们要勇于质疑别人的理论,并坚持自己的想法;达尔文(C·R·Darwin)放弃学医从而创立了生物进化论(The Origin of Species),告诉我们"兴趣是最好的老师"

2. At the nation level,从历史中吸取经验和教训。

例:三次经济危机的爆发告诉我们,资本主义(capitalism)的市场经济(market economy)也需要政府的调控;中国建国初期的发展历史告诉我们,社会主义(socialism、social democracy)的计划经济(planned economy)同样需要借鉴资本主义的市场经济;

3. 从科学技术的发展来看,现在的成就无不是建立在前人的成就之上的。

例:没有开普勒(Johannes Kepler)的三大定律,就没有今天的航空;没有列文虎克(Antoni van Leeuwenhoek)的发现,就没有我们今天的显微镜;牛顿在微分领域的贡献,我们至


可供参考老题库221. "The chief benefit of the study of history is to break down the illusion that people in one period of time are significantly different from people who lived at any other time in history."


1.I agree with the statement insofar as through the earnest study of human history we learn that basic human nature—our desires and motives, as well as our fears and foibles—has remained constant over recorded time.

2. However beneficial it might be to appreciate the unchanging nature of humankind, it is equally beneficial to understand and appreciate significant differences between peoples of different time periods—in terms of cultural mores, customs, values and ideals.

3. Another problem with the statement is that it undervalues other, equally important benefits of studying history. 



1.1 basic human nature consisting of desires, motives, fear, and etc. have remained constant over recorded time.(对爱情的渴望,和平稳定的追求,未知世界的探索等)

1.2 学习历史,借鉴前人的做法


1.1 生活、学习方式有很大变化

1.2 面临的问题也不同,环境污染、资源匮乏、核武器问题、人口过剩





2.不同时代的人是有很大相同点的。(如,前人的经验我们可以借鉴,"孙子兵法"Art of War,孔子的教学理念Confucius ,因材施教Teach according to his ability )


可供参考老题库103 "The study of history has only to the extent that it is relevant to our daily lives"历史的研究价值只体现在这种研究和我们的日常生活相关时。897

1. To begin with, learning about great human achievements of the past provides inspiration.

2. In addition, mistakes of the past can teach us as a society how to avoid repeating those mistakes.

3. Studying human history can also help us understand and appreciate the mores, values, and ideals of past cultures.

4. Appreciating history can serve to elevate our everyday chores to richer, more interesting, and more enjoyable experience.




例:a student inspired by the courage and tenacity of history's great explorers might decide as a result to pursue a career in archeology, oceanography, or astronomy;林肯(Abraham Lincoln)的奋斗经历会激励那些不幸的人不向命运低头,通过奋斗改变自己的命运;哥白尼(Copernicus)同学的故事告诉我们要勇于质疑别人的理论,并坚持自己的想法;达尔文(C·R·Darwin)放弃学医从而创立了生物进化论(The Origin of Species),告诉我们"兴趣是最好的老师";居里夫人Madame Curie对于科学的执著


例:三次经济危机的爆发告诉我们,资本主义(capitalism)的市场经济(market economy)也需要政府的调控;中国建国初期的发展历史告诉我们,社会主义(socialism、social democracy)的计划经济(planned economy)同样需要借鉴资本主义的市场经济;



The speaker alleges。。。only insofar as。。。I find this allegation to be specious。。。It wrongly suggests。。。To the contrary,。。。

studying historical examples of courage in the face of adversity can provide motivation to face their own personal fears in life

1. 历史让个人明白社会变化:

History is indispensable to understanding why such changes occur.

Once we determine when the trend began, we can try to identify which of the factors present at the time combined to set the trend in motion.

A purely contemporary analysis may shed some light on the problem, but a historical assessment is clearly fundamental—and essential for anyone concerned about …

History as art and entertainment serves a real purpose, on aesthetic grounds but also on the level of human understanding. Stories well done are stories that reveal how people and societies have actually functioned, and they prompt thoughts about he human experience in other times and places. The same aesthetic and humanistic goals inspire people to immerse themselves in efforts to reconstruct quite remote pasts, far removed from immediate, present-day utility.

比如:high-art 艺术家,知道了Van Gogh后就明白坚持艺术要孤独要艰辛

Require strong belief, persistence, and the ability to bear loneliness and misunderstanding.

Van Gogh, two of whose still life paintings have recently broken all records in selling for $50 million, sold only one of his paintings in his entire career.

Yet, an ever-lengthening honor roll distinguishes works first received as unacceptable by resistant audiences.

2. 错过的不要再错:to avoid repeating those mistakes.

比如:二战 世界混乱,经济depression, 人们苦难suffer,进步停滞impede development 知道和平的珍贵,stability and peace,treasure


The nuclear accidents at Three Mile Island and Chernobyl have been studied to ensure that they do not happen again. Certainly the study of the effects of nuclear materials on humans and the environment provides value beyond that of the day-to-day life of people. The study of oil spills and their effects on the environment gives similar guidance on how to avoid or at least minimize the damage of an oil spill on the environment. The study of the disintegration of the ozone layer over the poles of the earth has given birth to new laws and regulations on certain chemicals that help to preserve this valuable part of our atmosphere.

All of these examples of studying history provide value far beyond its impact on the daily lives of people.

3. 宝贵遗产,至今适用:precious historical heritage

History also provides a terrain for moral contemplation.

比如:孔子的话"two heads are better than one" "know is know…"

Socrates : Genuine education, as Socrates knew more than two thousand years ago, is not inserting the stuffing of information into a person, but rather eliciting knowledge from him; it is drawing out of what is in the mind.

孙子兵法From the ancient Chinese author Sun Tzu's book "The Art of War", today's military commanders and even business leaders gather valuable information that allows them to operate more efficiently and effectively.

4. 对国家忠诚:histories that tell the national story, emphasizing distinctive features of the national experience, are meant to drive home an understanding of national values and a commitment to national loyalty.



Helps us understand how recent, current, and prospective changes that affect the lives of citizens are emerging or may emerge and what causes are involved

Lift spirits.

In sum, the speaker fails to recognize that in all our activities and decisions--from our grandest to our most rote--history can inspire, inform, guide, and nurture. In the final analysis, to study history is to gain the capacity to be more human--and I would be hard-pressed to imagine a worthier end.

另一开头:To state … is to ignore the value …It would seem to be a rather shallow statement that implies … only …rather than …

可供参考老题库120 "So much is new and complex today that looking back for an understanding of the past provides little guidance for living in the present."


Even though history offers few foolproof panaceas for living today, the author's claim that today's world is so unique that the past is irrelevant is too radical.

1. Admittedly, history has helped us learn the appropriateness of addressing certain social issues, particularly moral ones, on a societal level.

2. However, the only firm lesson from history about social ills is that they are here to stay.



1. Admittedly,现代社会发展迅速,知识更新快,要求我们不断学习新的知识。


2. However,对过去的研究和学习对个人及社会发展的作用不能忽略。In contrast,为了现在的学习和发展,应该更为重视过去的经验和教训。

2.1 At the individual level,从历史中受到鼓舞及吸取经验教训。

例:a student inspired by the courage and tenacity of history's great explorers might decide as a result to pursue a career in archeology, oceanography, or astronomy;林肯(Abraham Lincoln)的奋斗经历会激励那些不幸的人不向命运低头,通过奋斗改变自己的命运;哥白尼(Copernicus)同学的故事告诉我们要勇于质疑别人的理论,并坚持自己的想法;达尔文(C·R·Darwin)放弃学医从而创立了生物进化论(The Origin of Species),告诉我们"兴趣是最好的老师";居里夫人Madame Curie对于科学的执著

3. At the nation level,在社会发展与国家决策方面,依然能从历史中吸取经验和教训

例:三次经济危机的爆发告诉我们,资本主义(capitalism)的市场经济(market economy)也需要政府的调控;中国建国初期的发展历史告诉我们,社会主义(socialism、social democracy)的计划经济(planned economy)同样需要借鉴资本主义的市场经济;

老题库125 "The past is no predictor of the future"过去不能预示未来

观点:agree 过去不能预示未来,但通过研究和学习过去,可以使事情沿我们期望的好的方向发展



2.However,对过去的研究和学习可以影响我们的未来。At the individual level,一个人的决定及未来往往会受历史人物及故事的影响

3.At the nation level,通过从历史中吸取经验和教训,在社会发展与国家决策方面避免犯同样的错误并向好的方向发展


The speaker alleges that studying history is valuable only insofar as it is relevant to our daily lives. I find this allegation to be specious. It wrongly suggests that history is not otherwise instructive and that its relevance to our everyday lives is limited. To the contrary, studying history provides inspiration, innumerable lessons for living, and useful value-clarification and perspective---all of which help us decide how to live our lives.

To begin with, learning about great human achievements of the past provides inspiration. For example, a student inspired by the courage and tenacity of history's great explorers might decide as a result to pursue a career in archeology, oceanography, or astronomy. This decision can, in turn, profoundly affect that student's everyday life--in school and beyond. Even for students not inclined to pursue these sorts of careers, studying historical examples of courage in the face of adversity can provide motivation to face their own personal fears in life. In short, learning about grand accomplishments of the past can help us get through the everyday business of living, whatever that business might be, by emboldening us and lifting our spirits.

In addition, mistakes of the past can teach us as a society how to avoid repeating those mistakes. For example, history can teach us the inappropriateness of addressing certain social issues, particularly moral ones, on a societal level. Attempts to legislate morality invariably fail, as aptly illustrated by the Prohibition experiment in the U.S. during the 1930s. Hopefully, as a society we can apply this lesson by adopting a more enlightened legislative approach toward such issues as free speech, criminalization of drug use, criminal justice, and equal rights under the law.

Studying human history can also help us understand and appreciate the mores, values, and ideals of past cultures. A heightened awareness of cultural evolution, in turn, helps us formulate informed and reflective values and ideals for ourselves. Based on these values and ideals, students can determine their authentic life path as well as how they should allot their time and interact with others on a day-to-day basis.

Finally, it might be tempting to imply from the speaker's allegation that studying history has little relevance even for the mundane chores that occupy so much of our time each day, and therefore is of little value. However, from history we learn not to take everyday activities and things for granted. By understanding the history of money and banking we can transform an otherwise routine trip to the bank into an enlightened experience, or a visit to the grocery store into an homage to the many inventors, scientists, engineers, and entrepreneurs of the past who have made such convenience possible today. And, we can fully appreciate our freedom to go about our daily lives largely as we choose only by understanding our political heritage. In short, appreciating history can serve to elevate our everyday chores to richer, more interesting, and more enjoyable experiences. In sum, the speaker fails to recognize that in all our activities and decisions--from our grandest to our most rote--history can inspire, inform, guide, and nurture. In the final analysis, to study history is to gain the capacity to be more human--and I would be hard- pressed to imagine a worthier end.

The speaker claims that since so much in today's world is new and complex the past provides little guidance for living in the present. I agree with this assertion insofar as history offers few foolproof panaceas for living today. However, I disagree with the speaker's claim that today's world is so unique that the past is irrelevant. One good example that supports my dual position is the way society has dealt with its pressing social problems over time.

Admittedly, history has helped us learn the appropriateness of addressing certain social issues, particularly moral ones, on a societal level. Attempts to legislate morality invariably fail, as illustrated by Prohibition in the 1930s and, more recently, failed federal legislation to regulate access to adult material via the Internet. We are slowly learning this lesson, as the recent trend toward legalization of marijuana for medicinal purposes and the recognition of equal rights for same-sex partners both demonstrate.

However, the only firm lesson from history about social ills is that they are here to stay. Crime and violence, for example, have troubled almost every society. All manner of reform, prevention, and punishment have been tried. Today, the trend appears to be away from reform toward a "tough-on-crime" approach. Is this because history makes clear that punishment is the most effective means of eliminating crime? No; rather, the trend merely reflects our current mores, attitudes, and political climate.

Another example involves how we deal with the mentally-iii segment of the population. History reveals that neither quarantine, treatment, nor accommodation solves the problem, only that each approach comes with its own trade-offs. Also undermining the assertion that history helps us to solve social problems is the fact that, despite the civil-fights efforts of Martin Luther King and his progenies, the cultural gap today between African-Americans and white Americans seems to be widening. It seems that racial prejudice is a timeless phenomenon.

To sum up, in terms of how to live together as a society I agree that studying the past is of some value; for example, it helps us appreciate the futility of legislating morality. However, history's primary sociological lesson seems to be that today's social problems are as old as society itself, and that there are no panaceas or prescriptions for solving these problems---only alternate ways of coping with them.

Orignal From: Claim: Knowing about the past cannot help people to make important decisions today. Reason: We are not able to make connections between current events and past events until we have some distance from both

When old buildings stand on ground that modern planners feel could be better used for modern purposes, modern development should be given precedence over the preservation of historic buildings


可供参考老题库26. "Most people would agree that buildings represent a valuable record of any society's past, but controversy arises when old buildings stand on ground that modern planners feel could be better used for modern purposes. In such situations, modern development should be given precedence over the preservation of historic buildings so that contemporary needs can be served."


Which interest should take precedence should be determined on a case-by-case basis--and should account not only for practical and historic considerations but also aesthetic ones.

1. In determining whether to raze an older building, planners should of course consider the community's current and anticipated utilitarian needs.

2. Competing with a community's utilitarian needs is an interest preserving the historical record, the weight of which should also be determined on a case-by-case basic.

3. Also competing with a community's utilitarian needs is the aesthetic and architectural value of the building itself—apart from historical events with which it might be associated.



1. 历史建筑具有重要的历史价值,是一个国家或地区的文化艺术等的体现。

2.1 一个建筑代表了一段历史

2.2 一个建筑代表了一种文化

2.3 建筑本身就是一种艺术,代表了某种独特的建筑风格

2. 历史建筑增加了一个城市的魅力,是这个城市的财富。

2.1 代表了一个地区的历史文化

2.2 旅游带来了经济


3.1 maintain or incorporate traditional architectural style and function into future developments, as is being done in Rome

3.2 整体移动历史建筑


The speaker asserts that wherever a practical, utilitarian need for new buildings arises this need should take precedence over our conflicting interest in preserving historic buildings as a record of our past. In my view, however, which interest should take precedence should be determined on a case-by-case basis--and should account not only for practical and historic considerations but also aesthetic ones.

In determining whether to raze an older building, planners should of course consider the community's current and anticipated utilitarian needs. For example, if an additional hospital is needed to adequately serve the health-care needs of a fast-growing community, this compelling interest might very well outweigh any interest in preserving a historic building that sits on the proposed site. Or if additional parking is needed to ensure the economic survival of a city's downtown district, this interest might take precedence over the historic value of an old structure that stands in the way of a parking structure. On the other hand, if the need is mainly for more office space, in some cases an architecturally appropriate add-on or annex to an older building might serve just as well as razing the old building to make way for a new one. Of course, an expensive retrofit might not be worthwhile if no amount of retrofitting would meet the need.

Competing with a community's utilitarian needs is an interest preserving the historical record. Again, the weight of this interest should be determined on a case-by-case basis. Perhaps an older building uniquely represents a bygone era, or once played a central role in the city's history as a municipal structure. Or perhaps the building once served as the home of a founding family or other significant historical figure, or as the location of an important historical event. Any of these scenarios might justify saving the building at the expense of the practical needs of the community. On the other hand, if several older buildings represent the same historical era just as effectively, or if the building's history is an unremarkable one, then the historic value of the building might pale in comparison to the value of a new structure that meets a compelling practical need.

Also competing with a community's utilitarian needs is the aesthetic and architectural value of the building itself--apart from historical events with which it might be associated. A building might be one of only a few that represents a certain architectural style. Or it might be especially beautiful, perhaps as a result of the craftsmanship and materials employed in its construction--which might be cost-prohibitive to replicate today. Even retrofitting the building to accommodate current needs might undermine its aesthetic as well as historic value, by altering its appearance and architectural integrity. Of course it is difficult to quantify aesthetic value and weigh it against utilitarian considerations. Yet planners should strive to account for aesthetic value nonetheless.

In sum, whether to raze an older building in order to construct a new one should never be determined indiscriminately. Instead, planners should make such decisions on a case-by-case basis, weighing the community's practical needs against the building's historic and aesthetic value.

Qingdao; also known in the west by its postal map spelling Tsingtao, is a major city in eastern Shangdong province, Eastern China. In 1897, German troops seized and occupied the Qingdao. Japan re-occupied Qingdao in 1938 with its plans of territorial expansion onto China's coast. On 2 June 1949 the CCP-led Red Army entered Qingdao and the city and province have been under PRC control since that time.

Upon gaining control of the area, the Germans outfitted the impoverished fishing village of "Tsingtao" (Qingdao) with wide streets, solid housing areas, government buildings, electrification throughout, a sewer system and a safe drinking water supply, a rarity in large parts of Asia at that time and later.

Qingdao Railway Station was founded in January 1900, was completed in the fall of 1901. German Wei Erle, and Gede Scholz design. The classic architecture of the German occupation.


In 2008, a new, jointly invested by the Ministry of Railways and the Qingdao local government, Qingdao Station.The theme of clock tower retain the original design style.

Orignal From: When old buildings stand on ground that modern planners feel could be better used for modern purposes, modern development should be given precedence over the preservation of historic buildings

The main benefit of the study of history is to dispel the illusion that people living now are significantly different from people who lived in earlier times



1. I agree with the statement insofar as through the earnest study of human history we learn that basic human nature—our desires and motives, as well as our fears and foibles—has remained constant over recorded time.

2. However beneficial it might be to appreciate the unchanging nature of humankind, it is equally beneficial to understand and appreciate significant differences between peoples of different time periods—in terms of cultural mores, customs, values and ideals.

3. Another problem with the statement is that it undervalues other, equally important benefits of studying history. 



1.1 basic human nature consisting of desires, motives, fear, and etc. have remained constant over recorded time.(对爱情的渴望,和平稳定的追求,未知世界的探索等)

1.2 学习历史,借鉴前人的做法


1.1 生活、学习方式有很大变化

1.2 面临的问题也不同,环境污染、资源匮乏、核武器问题、人口过剩



I concede that basic human nature has not changed over recorded history, and that coming to appreciate this fact by studying history can be beneficial in how we live as a society. However, I disagree with the statement in two respects. First, in other ways there are marked differences between people of different time periods, and learning about those differences can be just as beneficial. Second, studying history carries other equally important benefits as well.

I agree with the statement insofar as through the earnest study of human history we learn that basic human nature---our desires and motives, as well as our fears and foibles---has remained constant over recorded time. And through this realization we can benefit as a society in dealing more effectively with our enduring social problems. History teaches us, for example, that it is a mistake to attempt to legislate morality, because humans by nature resist having their moral choices forced upon them. History also teaches us that our major social ills are here to stay, because they spring from human nature. For instance, crime and violence have troubled almost every society; all manner of reform, prevention, and punishment have been tried with only partial success. Today, the trend appears to be away from reform toward a "tough-on-crime" approach, to no avail.

However beneficial it might be to appreciate the unchanging nature of humankind, it is equally beneficial to understand and appreciate significant differences between peoples of different time periods----in terms of cultural mores, customs, values, and ideals. For example, the ways in which societies have treated women, ethnic minorities, animals, and the environment have confin, mlly evolved over the course of human history. Society's attitudes toward artistic expression, literature, and scientific and intellectual inquiry are also in a continual state of evolution. And, perhaps the most significant sort of cultural evolution involves spiritual beliefs, which have always spun themselves out, albeit uneasily, through clashes between established traditions and more enlightened viewpoints. A heightened awareness of all these aspects of cultural evolution help us formulate informed, reflective, and enlightened values and ideals for ourselves; and our society dearly benefits as a result.

Another problem with the statement is that it undervalues other, equally important benefits of studying history. Learnmgabout the courage and tenacity of history's great explorers, leaders, and other achievers inspires us to similar accomplishments, or at least to face own fears as we travel through life. Learning about the mistakes of past societies helps us avoid repeating them. For instance, the world is slowly coming to learn by studying history that political states whose authority stems from suppression of individual freedoms invariably fall of their own oppressive weight. And, learning about one's cultural heritage, or roots, fosters a healthy sense of self and cultivates an interest in preserving art, literature, and other cultural artifacts--all of which serve to enrich society.

To sum up, history informs us that basic human nature has not changed, and this history lesson can help us understand and be more tolerant of one another, as well as develop compassionate responses to the problems and failings of others. Yet, history has other lessons to offer us as well. It helps us formulate informed values and ideals for ourselves, inspires us to great achievements, points out mistakes to avoid, and helps us appreciate our cultural heritage.

Orignal From: The main benefit of the study of history is to dispel the illusion that people living now are significantly different from people who lived in earlier times

In order for any work of art—for example, a film, a novel, a poem, or a song—to have merit, it must be understandable to most people


1. First consider musical art form. It would be absurd to assert that the objective of music is to challenge the listener's knowledge of music theory. In fact, listening to music is simply an encounter—an experience to be accepted at face value for its aural impact on our spirit and our emotions.

2. Next consider the art forms of painting and sculpture. If the test for meritorious art were its ability to be clearly understood by every observer, then our most valuable art would simply imitate the mundane physical world around us.

3. Finally, consider art forms such as poetry, song, and prose, in certain cases stanzas and verses need not be "understood" to have merit, as much as they need be experienced for the images and emotions they evoke.


艺术作品要有价值,不管是电影、文学还是歌曲,都必须让大多数人能够理解。From kito

Begin: Though the speaker's assertion may have merit, in my opinion, it unfairly generalizes about art.艺术作品的价值与大多数人是否理解是没有关系的,

1. 一个艺术作品只要是作者的真实情感、感受、想法的表达,那它就是有价值的。According to what Freud has said(and I paraphrased) art, in essence, is a kind of release of individual lust, converting the human libido into plentiful creativity. It is through the work of art that artists express their passions, emotions, and desires. From this we can see, art is therefore, first and foremost, concerning with the inner world rather than with the outside one as a whole.

2. 艺术作品不一定需要人们的理解。一方面:因为人们的知识有限,也不是每个人都是心理学家,所以不可能完全揣摸出艺术作品所代表的作者的真实想法,但是只要能够欣赏就足够了。比如:对于某些音乐作品,只要我们听到以后感到很美或者心灵受到撞击,那它就是有价值的。如有些诗,我们不能体会作者的真实意思,但是我们感受得到诗中作者的感情和情趣;另一方面:艺术作品正是因为不容易被理解,才有了见仁见智的感受,才给人想象力,才full of humor and wit,才有价值;"一千个人眼中就有一千个哈姆雷特" hamlet,你能说有谁真正读懂了莎士比亚么?(Shakespeare),但这不影响hamlet to be a noted masterpiece.

3. 一个艺术作品如果不是忠于作者的真实想法,而是为了迎合观众或者让大多数人理解,or was shaped by most people's opinion. 那它就很难有长久的价值。比如很多无聊的商业片,虽然被大多数人欢迎,但却不被评论家看好,很快就会被大家遗忘。

End: In sum, the merit of art has little bearing on whether most people understand it. 只要一个艺术作品只要是作者的真实情感、想法的表达,是作者创作灵感的真实体现,那它就是有价值的。


The speaker's assertion that art must be widely understood to have merit is wrongheaded. The speaker misunderstands the final objective of art, which has little to do with cognitive "understanding."

First consider the musical art form. The fact that the listener must "understand" the composer's artistic expression without the benefit of words or visual images forces us to ask: "What is there to understand in the first place?" Of course, the listener can always struggle to appreciate how the musical piece employs various harmonic, melodic, and rhythmic principles.

Yet it would be absurd to assert that the objective of music is to challenge the listener's knowledge of music theory. In fact, listening to music is simply an encounter--an experience to be accepted at face value for its aural impact on our spirit and our emotions.

Next consider the art forms of painting and sculpture. In the context of these art forms, the speaker seems to suggest that ifwe cannot all understand what the work is supposed to represent, then we should dismiss the work as worthless. Again, however, the speaker misses the point of art. Only by provoking and challenging us, and inciting our emotions, imagination, and wonder do paintings and sculpture hold merit. Put another way, if the test for meritorious art were its ability to be dearly understood by every observer, then our most valuable art would simply imitate the mundane physical world around us. A Polaroid picture taken by a monkey would be considered great art, while the abstract works of Pollock and Picasso would be worth no more than the salvage value of the materials used to create them.

Finally, consider art forms such as poetry, song, and prose, where the use of language is part-and-parcel of the art. It is easy to assume that where words are involved they must be strung together in understandable phrases in order for the art to have any merit. Moreover, if the writer-artist resorts exclusively to obscure words that people simply do not know, then the art can convey nothing beyond the alliterative or onomatopoeic impact that the words might have when uttered aloud. However, in poetry and song the writer-artist often uses words as imagery--to conjure up feelings and evoke visceral reactions in the reader or listener. In these cases stanzas and verses need not be "understood" to have merit, as much as they need be experienced for the images and emotions they evoke.

When it comes to prose, admittedly the writer-artist must use words to convey cognitive ideas--for example, to help the reader follow the plot of a novel. In these cases the art must truly be "understood" on a Linguistic and cognitive level; otherwise it is mere gibberish without merit except perhaps as a doorstop. Nevertheless, the final objective even of literature is to move the reader emotionally and spiritually--not simply to inform. Thus, even though a reader might understand the twists and turns of a novel's plot intellectually, what's the point if the reader has come away unaffected in emotion or spirit?

In the final analysis, whether art must be understood by most people, or by any person, in order for it to have merit begs the question. To "understand" art a person need only have eyes to see or ears to hear, and a soul to feel.

Orignal From: In order for any work of art—for example, a film, a novel, a poem, or a song—to have merit, it must be understandable to most people

Nations should suspend government funding for the arts when significant numbers of their citizens are hungry or unemployed


老题库190. "As long as people in a society are hungry or out of work or lack the basic skills needed to survive, the use of public resources to support the arts is inappropriate--and, perhaps, even cruel--when one considers all the potential uses of such money."


1. The implicit rationale behind the speaker's statement seems to be that cultural enrichment pales in importance compared to food, clothing, and shelter.

2. It might also be tempting to agree with the speaker on the basis that arts patronage is neither an appropriate nor a necessary function of government.

3. On the other hand are compelling arguments that public support for the art is desirable, whether or not unemployment and hunger have been eliminated. One such argument is that by allocating public resources to the arts, we actually help

4. A second argument against the speaker's position has to do with the function and ultimate objectives of art.


1. 承认政府必须把一些公共资源着重于解决那些紧急的社会问题。 如果国内发生了重大的自然灾害,比如洪水,成千上万的人流离失所,比如发生饥荒,很多人都没有饭吃,国内经济通货膨胀那样,如果在这种场合下,还想着花很大的精力支持艺术的发展,是违背政府的主要职责的,这种场合下,设及很多人的生命,很有可能社会发生巨大动乱,甚至这个国家维持下去都是很困难的。

2. 但是我们要明白艺术也是需要支持。因为艺术的发展没有很强的市场规律,并不是所有有天赋的艺术家都能赢得与天赋相关的舒适生活,甚至正常生活都有问题,但是他们能为社会创造永恒的价值。比如 Samuel Johnson 为了写作那本著名的 a dictionary of the English language ,四处乞求经济支持,最后被很多人拒绝了,特别是Lord chesterfield ,最后他多花了比预计的时间多了5年的时间完成了。但是如果他能够得到适当的支持,那么完成时间可以大大缩短。有时候,必要的经济支持,会给艺术的发展带来巨大的推力,因此也能对整个人类文明也是有巨大作用的。

3. 有时艺术也可以帮助解决社会问题。第一:艺术作品可以给人精神动力,比如革命时期的一些鼓舞人心的歌曲、小说。第二:艺术也可以帮助那些饥饿、失业或者缺乏谋生的基本技能的人,比如通过慈善晚会号召大家捐款等等,SARS时期、地震时都会有这样的活动。



The speaker asserts that using public resources to support the arts is unjustifiable in a society where some people go without food, jobs, and basic survival skills. It might be tempting to agree with the speaker on the basis that art is not a fundamental human need, and that government is not entirely trustworthy when it comes to its motives and methods. However, the speaker overlooks certain economic and other societal benefits that accrue when government assumes an active role in supporting the arts.

The implicit rationale behind the speaker's statement seems to be that cultural enrichment pales in importance compared to food, clothing, and shelter. That the latter needs are more fundamental is indisputable; after all, what starving person would prefer a good painting to even a bad meal? Accordingly, I concede that when it comes to the use of public resources it is entirely appropriate to assign a lower priority to the arts than to these other pressing social problems. Yet, to postpone public arts funding until we completely eliminate unemployment and hunger would be to postpone arts funding forever; any informed person who believes otherwise is envisioning a pure socialist state where the government provides for all of its citizens' needs--a vision which amounts to fantasy.

It might also be tempting to agree with the speaker on the basis that arts patronage is neither an appropriate nor a necessary funcuon of government. This argument has considerable merit, in three respects. First, it seems ill-conceived to relegate decision and choices about arts funding to a handful of bureaucrats, who are likely to decide based on their own quirky notions about art, and whose decisions might be susceptible to influence-peddling. Second, private charity and philanthropy appear to be alive and well today. For example, year after year the Public Broadcasting System is able to survive, and even thrive, on donations from private foundations and individuals. Third, government funding requires tax dollars from our pockets--leaving us with less disposable dollars with which to support the arts directly and more efficiently than any bureaucracy ever could.

On the other hand are two compelling arguments that public support for the arts is desirable, whether or not unemployment and hunger have been eliminated. One such argument is that by allocating public resources to the arts we actually help to solve these social problems. Consider Canada's film industry, which is heavily subsidized by the Canadian government, and which provides countless jobs for film-industry workers as a result. The Canadian government also provides various incentives for American productoion companies to f~n and produce their movies in Canada. These incentives have sparked a boon for the Canadian economy, thereby sumulating job growth and wealth that can be applied toward education, job training, and social programs. The Canadian example is proof that public arts support can help solve the kinds of social problems with which the speaker is concerned.

A second argument against the speaker's position has to do with the function and ultimate objectives of art. Art serves to lift the human spirit and to put us more in touch with our feelings, foibles, and fate in short, with our own humanity. With a heightened sensitivity to the human condition, we become more others-oriented, less self-centered, more giving of ourselves. In other words, we become a more charitable society--more willing to give to those less fortunate than ourselves in the ways with which the speaker is concerned. The speaker might argue, of course, that we do a disservice to others when we lend a helping hand by enabling them to depend on us to survive. However, at the heart of this specious argument lies a certain coldness and lack of compassion that, in my view, any society should seek to discourage. Besides, the argument leads inexorably to certain political, philosophical, and moral issues that this brief essay cannot begin to address.

In the final analysis, the beneficiaries of public arts funding are not limited to the elitists who stroll through big-city museums and attend symphonies and gallery openings, as the speaker might have us believe. Public resources allocated to the arts create jobs for artists and others whose livelihood depends on a vibrant, rich culture--just the sort of culture that breeds charitable concern for the hungry, the helpless, and the hapless.

Orignal From: Nations should suspend government funding for the arts when significant numbers of their citizens are hungry or unemployed

It is no longer possible for a society to regard any living man or woman as a hero



1. In order to maximize profits the media are simply giving the public what they demand—scrutiny of heroic public figures that serves to diminish their reputation.

2. Intense media scrutiny raises a presumption, at least in public's collective mind, that their hero is guilty of some sort of character flaw or misdeed.

Begin: 承认当今的媒体关注的范围越来越大,很多私人的事情也被曝光,但是我们必须承认真正的英雄不管媒体如何报道,都还是会赢得人们尊重的。

1. 当今的媒体铺天盖地,如今的hero很少有自己的隐私,的确有因为报道而名声扫地的"hero"。When they seek a public role, they should expect that they will lose at least some of their privacy. MIT副教授卢克·范·帕里耶斯(LukVanParijs)编造、修改科研数据以及杜撰合作者姓名,最终被发现报道,并被校方开除。可以说,媒体在监督英雄方面的确起到了积极的作用。
Luk Van Parijs, a former associate professor of biology at MIT, once was considered as a rising star in the fields of immunology and RNA interference. However, this high-flying researcher has been fired from MIT for fabricating data in a published scientific paper, in unpublished manuscripts, and in grant applications, which was dicovered by the media,

2. 真正的英雄(Turning back to the real hero),不管媒体怎样窥视他们私人生活 pry about ,他们还是一样受人们尊重。一方面真正出色的人,在私人时间,也是非常常规的生活——看书,休息,运动——让媒体没有可乘之机,做事保持很高的道德水准。另一方面是他们的出色成就让他们的所谓的错误行为那么微不足道,比如罗斯福,他也有EX- marital scandal ,但是这些行为比起他的成就——走出大萧条,领导二战取得胜利,他是公认的20世纪最伟大的总统,人们及使知道丑闻,但是仍然和以前一样尊敬他。所以真正的英雄,仍然有很高的声誉,不管媒体怎样报道。

3. 再者,媒体并没有阻碍甚至抹杀英雄的存在,在当代也有很多的英雄。首先,在当今技术飞速发展的时代,人们比过去更渴望英雄,我们的经验告诉我们,媒体时代不光没有消灭英雄,而且更多的英雄层出不穷after the incredible tragedy that happened in the September 11, 2001, thousand of firefighters and policeman work in the World Trade Center for the sake of saving most victims. 过去只有做了很大贡献的人才会得到宣传,但如今一个见义勇为的抓小偷的都马上被宣传了。此外,因为媒体的不受约束,它可以揭露罪恶,对抗恶势力,让真正的英雄得以暴露出来。

End:In sum, to broadly state that media scrutiny will diminish anyone's reputation exaggerates the negative factor of the media; we should not lose our sight on the fact that media could also serve to create heroes。Moreover,真正伟大的人,也是不会受此影响的。


In general, I agree with the assertion that intense media scrutiny nearly always serves to diminish the reputation of society's would-be heroes, for the chief reason that it seems to be the nature of media to look for ways to demean public figures whether heroic or not. Moreover, while in isolated cases our so-called heroes have vindicated themselves and restored their reputations diminished by the media, in my observation these are exceptional cases to the general rule that once slandered, the reputation of any public figure, hero or otherwise, is forever tarnished.

The chief reason why I generally agree with the statement has to do with the forces that motivate the media in the first place. The media generally consist of profit-seeking entities, whose chief objective is to maximize profits for their shareholders or other owners. Moreover, our corporate culture has sanctioned this objective by codifying it as a fiduciary obligation of any corporate executive. For better or worse, in our society media viewers, readers, and listeners find information about the misfortunes and misdeeds of others, especially heroic public figures, far more compelling than information about their virtues and accomplishments. In short, we love a good scandal. One need look no further than the newsstand, local television news broadcast, or talk show to find ample evidence that this is the case. Thus in order to maximize profits the media are simply giving the public what they demand scrutiny of heroic public figures that serves to diminish their reputation.

A second reason why I fundamentally agree with the statement is that, again for better or worse, intense media scrutiny raises a presumption, at least in the public's collective mind, that their hero is guilty of some sort of character flaw or misdeed. This presumption is understandable. After all, I think any demographic study would show that the vast majority of people relying on mainstream media for their information lack the sort of critical-thinking skills and objectivity to see beyond what the media feeds them, and to render a fair and fully informed judgment about a public figure--heroic or otherwise.

A third reason for my agreement with the statement has to do with the longer-term fallout from intense media scrutiny and the presumption discussed above. Once tarnished as a result of intense media scrutiny, a person's reputation is forever besmirched, regardless of the merits or motives of the scrutinizers. Those who disagree with this seemingly cynical viewpoint might cite cases in which public figures whose reputations had been tarnished were ultimately vindicated. For example, certain celebrities have successfully challenged rag sheets such as the National Enquirer in the courts, winning large damage awards for libel. Yet in my observation these are exceptional cases; besides, a damage award is no indication that the public has expunged from its collective memory a perception that the fallen hero is guilty of the alleged character flaw or peccadillo.

In sum, the statement is fundamentally correct. As long as the media are motivated by profit, and as long as the public at large demands stories that serve to discredit, diminish, and destroy reputations, the media will continue to harm whichever unfortunate individuals become their cynosures. And the opportunity for vindication is little consolation in a society that seems to thrive, and even feed, on watching heroes being knocked off their pedestals.

Orignal From: It is no longer possible for a society to regard any living man or woman as a hero

Scandals are useful because they focus our attention on problems in ways that no speaker or reformer ever could



1. On the one hand, scandals can sometimes serve to call our attention to pervasive social or political problems that we would otherwise neglect.

2. On the other hand, scandals can sometimes serve chiefly to distract us from more pressing community or societal problems.

Begin: 同意上面观点,丑闻可能是有益的,但是是要有条件限制的。

1. 丑闻可以揭示出某些社会现象,让人们去关注它。比如近几年纷纷报出的各种足球丑闻,让人们了解到在一场足球比赛后面隐藏了很多东西,裁判受贿,球员为了钱,故意输球,这次东西都是损害体育比赛的精神的。美国著名的水门事件(Watergate case),让人了解到美国民主制度遭到迫害。MIT副教授卢克?范?帕里耶斯(LukVanParijs)编造、修改科研数据以及杜撰合作者姓名,最终被发现报道,并被校方开除。这次现象如果不是因为丑闻的揭露,可能会被当作默认的社会潜规则(hidden rules),继续的危害社会。

It is true that scandals expose some facts that cannot be seen in other ways for the speakers and reformers have to take responsibility for their public affairs.

2. 但我们必须注意这些丑闻的真实性,可不盲信而造成对别人的伤害。毕竟有些媒体为了私利,编造一些子虚乌有的丑闻等等。

We should be avoid believing blindly in the reports about these scandals and be careful to establish the facts relating to them before making any judgments.

End:In sum, 适当的scandal可以揭露危害社会的东西,但是过多的scandal,或更进一步,life full of scandal without good news, 也会给社会带来消极的影响。因此我们应控制一个度, which makes our lives and the society better.


Are scandals useful in calling our attention to important problems, as this statement suggests? I agree that in many cases scandals can serve to reveal larger problems that a community or society should address. On the other hand, scandals can sometimes distract us from more important societal issues.

On the one hand, scandals can sometimes serve to call our attention to pervasive social or political problems that we would otherwise neglect. Perhaps the paradigmatic modern example is the Watergate scandal. Early in that scandal it would have been tempting to dismiss it as involving one isolated incidence of underhanded campaign tactics. But, in retrospect the scandal forever increased the level of scrutiny and accountability to which our public officials are held, thereby working a significant and lasting benefit to our society. More recently, the Clinton-Gore fundraising scandal sparked a renewed call for campaign-finance reform. In fact the scandal might result in the passage of a congressional bill outlawing private campaign contributions altogether, thereby rendering presidential candidates far less susceptible to undue influence of special-interest groups. Our society would be the dear beneficiary of such reform. Surely, no public speaker or reformer could have called our nation's collective attention to the problem of presidential misconduct unless these two scandals had surfaced.

On the other hand, scandals can sometimes serve chiefly to distract us from more pressing community or societal problems. At the community level, for example, several years ago the chancellor of a university located in my city was expelled from office for misusing university funds to renovate his posh personal residence. Every new development during the scandal became front-page news in the campus newspaper. But did this scandal serve any useful purpose? No. The scandal did not reveal any pervasive problem with university accounting practices. It did not result in any sort of useful system-wide reform. Rather, it was merely one incidence of petty misappropriation. Moreover, the scandal distracted the university community from far more important issues, such as affu'mative action and campus safety, which were relegated to the second page of the campus news paper during the scandal.

Even on a societal level, scandals can serve chiefly to distract us from more important matters. For example, time will tell whether the Clinton sex scandal will benefit our political, social, or legal system. Admittedly, the scandal did call our attention to certain issues of federal law. It sparked a debate about the powers and duties of legal prosecutors, under the Independent Counsel Act, vis-i-vis the chief executive while in and out of office. And the various court rulings about executive privilege and immunity WIU serve useful legal precedents for the furore. Even the impeachment proceedings xxhll no doubt provide useful procedural precedent at some future time. Yet on balance, it seems to me that the deleterious effects of the scandal in terms of the financial expense to taxpayers and the various harms to the many individuals caught up in the legal process---outweigh these benefits. More importantly, for more that a year the scandal served chiefly to distract us from our most pressing national and global problems, such as the Kosovo crisis, our social-security crisis, and health-care reform, to name just a few.

In sum, I agree that scandals often serve to flag important socio-political problems more effectively than any speaker or reformer can. However, whether a scandal works more benefit than harm to a community or society must be addressed on a case-by-case basis.

Orignal From: Scandals are useful because they focus our attention on problems in ways that no speaker or reformer ever could

The greatness of individuals can be decided only by those who live after them, not by their contemporaries



1. An individual's contemporaries may be emotionally connected with him or her.

2. It takes time for the significance of an individual's deeds to be recognized.

3. Admittedly, there are still plenty of cases in which people's greatness were instantaneously recognized and judged objectively by their contemporaries.


"An individual's greatness cannot be judged objectively by his or her contemporaries; the most objective evaluators of a person's greatness are people who belong to a later time"



1. 不可否认,相当多数的人在当时的社会发挥着重要的作用。这一点对于政治家来说尤为明显,多数作为国家领导者的政治家都能够在当时的社会产生一定的影响无论这种影响是坏还是好。比如一个国家的总统,不光决定了这个国家一段时间的发展情况,同时也会对世界其他国家的情况产生或多或少的影响

2. 相比之下,后人能够更加客观和准确的从历史的角度判断前人对社会的影响。首先,相比于同时代的人来说,后人不会受到媒体和当时舆论的影响,因此能够更客观地看待前人的功过。其次,后人能够通过研究和了解社会发展的历史知道前人当时的行为是否对其后的社会发展产生了影响,这在同时代人看来是不可能的。比如,多数当时不出名但现在珍贵而且伟大的艺术作品都是后人发现的。

3. 对于个人是否伟大的判断是一个持续的过程,时间越久,也就越容易看出个人的伟大程度。有的个人的作品和行为会被一度认为是对社会发展有害,而最后又被纠正为有益,这些不同判断的产生都是由于后人在判断前人的时候忽视了当时的历史环境以及其他条件的限制造成的。因此,几乎没有什么东西比是将更能检验一个人的伟大程度



Can a person's greatness be recognized only in retrospect, by those who live after the person, as the speaker maintains? In my view the speaker unfairly generalizes. In some areas, especially the arts, greatness is often recognizable in its nascent stages. However, in other areas, particularly the physical sciences, greatness must be tested over time before it can be confirmed. In still other areas, such as business, the incubation period for greatness varies from case to case.

We do not require a rear-view mirror to recognize artistic greatness--whether in music, visual arts, or literature. The reason for this is simple: art can be judged at face value.There's nothing to be later proved or disproved, affirmed or discredited, or even improved upon or refined by further knowledge or newer technology. History is replete with examples of artistic greatness immediately recognized, then later confm-ned. Through his patronage, the Pope recognized Michelangelo's artistic greatness, while the monarchs of Europe immediately recognized Mozart's greatness by granting him their most generous commissions. Mark Twain became a best-selling author and household name even during his lifetime. And the leaders of the modernist school of architecture marveled even as Frank Lloyd Wright was elevating their notions about architecture to new aesthetic heights.

By contrast, in the sciences it is difficult to identify greatness without the benefit of historical perspective. Any scientific theory might be disproved tomorrow, thereby demoting the theorist's contribution to the status of historical footnote. Or the theory might withstand centuries of rigorous scientific scrutiny. In any event, a theory may or may not serve as a springboard for later advances in theoretical science. A current example involves the ultimate significance of two opposing theories of physics: wave theory and quantum theory. Some theorists now claim that a new so-called "string" theory reconciles the two opposing theories--at least mathematically. Yet "strings" have yet to be confirmed empirically. Only time will tell whether string theory indeed provides the unifying laws that all matter in the universe obeys. In short, the significance of contributions made by theoretical scientists cannot be judged by their contemporaries--only by scientists who follow them.

In the realm of business, in some cases great achievement is recognizable immediately, while in other cases it is not. Consider on the one hand Henry Ford's assembly-line approach to manufacturing affordable cars for the masses. Even Ford could not have predicted the impact his innovations would have on the American economy and on the modern world. On the other hand, by any measure, Microsoft's Bill Gates has made an even greater contribution than Ford; after all, Gates is largely responsible for lifting American technology out of the doldrums during the 1970s to restore America to the status of economic powerhouse and technological leader of the world. And this contribution is readily recognizable now--as it is happening. Of course, the DOS and Windows operating systems, and even Gates' monopoly, might eventually become historical relics. Yet his greatness is already secured.

In sum, the speaker overlooks many great individuals, particularly in the arts and in business, whose achievements were broadly recognized as great even during their own time. Nevertheless, other great achievements, especially scientific ones, cannot be confirmed as such without the benefit of historical perspective.

Orignal From: The greatness of individuals can be decided only by those who live after them, not by their contemporaries

Claim: Governments must ensure that their major cities receive the financial support they need in order to thrive. Reason: It is primarily in cities that a nation's cultural traditions are preserved and generated





1. Subsidizing cultural traditions is not a proper role of government.

2. Secondly, subsidizing cultural traditions is not a necessary role of government. Philanthropy is alive and well today, and so government need not intervene to ensure that our cultural traditions are preserved and promoted.

3. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, the speaker unfairly suggests that large cities serve as the primary breeding ground and sanctuaries for a nation's cultural traditions.



The speaker's claim is actually threefold: (1) ensuring the survival of large cities and, in turn, that of cultural traditions, is a proper function of government; (2) government support is needed for our large dries and cultural traditions to survive and thrive; and (3) cultural traditions are preserved and generated primarily in our large cities. I strongly disagree with all three claims.

First of all, subsidizing cultural traditions is not a proper role of govemment. Admittedly, certain objectives, such as public health and safety, are so essential to the survival of large dries and of nations that government has a duty to ensure that they are met. However, these objectives should not extend tenuously to preserving cultural traditions. Moreover, government cannot possibly play an evenhanded role as cultural patron. Inadequate resources call for restrictions, priorities, and choices. It is unconscionable to relegate normative decisions as to which cities or cultural traditions are more deserving, valuable, or needy to a few legislators, whose notions about culture might be misguided or unrepresentative of those of the general populace. Also, legislators are all too likely to make choices in favor of the cultural agendas of their home towns and states, or of lobbyists with the most money and influence.

Secondly, subsidizing cultural traditions is not a necessary role of government. A lack of private funding might justify an exception. However, culture--by which I chiefly mean the fine arts--has always depended primarily on the patronage of private individuals and businesses, and not on the government. The Medicis, a powerful banking family of Renaissance Italy, supported artists Michelangelo and Raphael. During the 20th Century the primary source of cultural support were private foundations established by industrial magnates Carnegie, Mellon, Rockefeller and Getty. And tomorrow cultural support will come from our new technology and media moguls----including the likes of Ted Turner and Bill Gates. In short, philanthropy is alive and well today, and so government need not intervene to ensure that our cultural traditions are preserved and promoted.

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, the speaker unfairly suggests that large cities serve as the primary breeding ground and sanctuaries for a nation's cultural traditions. Today a nation's distinct cultural traditions--its folk art, crafts, traditional songs, customs and ceremonies--burgeon instead in small towns and rural regions. Admittedly, our cities do serve as our centers for "high art"; big cities are where we deposit, display, and boast the world's preeminent art, architecture, and music. But big-city culture has little to do any- more with one nation's distinct cultural traditions. After all, modern cities are essentially multicultural stew pots; accordingly, by assisting large cities a government is actually helping to create a global culture as well to subsidize the traditions of other nations' cultures.

In the final analysis, government cannot philosophically justify assisting large cities for the purpose of either promoting or preserving the nation's cultural traditions; nor is government assistance necessary toward these ends. Moreover, assisting large cities would have little bearing on our distinct cultural traditions, which abide elsewhere.

Orignal From: Claim: Governments must ensure that their major cities receive the financial support they need in order to thrive. Reason: It is primarily in cities that a nation's cultural traditions are preserved and generated

Unfortunately, in contemporary society, creating an appealing image has become more important than the reality or truth behind that image



可供参考老题库33. "Creating an appealing image has become more important in contemporary society than is the reality or truth behind that image."


I agree that image has become a more central concern, at least where short-term business or political success is at stake. Nevertheless, I think that in the longer term image ultimately yields to substance and fact.

1. The important role of image is particularly evident in the business world.

2. The growing significance of image is also evident in the political realm, particularly when it comes to presidential politics.

3. In the long terms, however, the significance of image wanes considerably.







可供参考老题库74. "The most effective way to communicate an idea or value to large groups of people is through the use of images, not language."


The use of images is not always more effective than that of language.

1. On the one hand, images are more vivid and easier for the largest audience to comprehend.

2. On the other hand, images tend to cause ambiguities.

3. The most effective way of communication is combing the use of images and that of language.


1. On the one hand, images are more vivid and easier for the largest audience to comprehend. deep impression, straight presentation. 卓别林Charley Chaplin.电视。动物世界。

2. On the other hand, images tend to cause ambiguities.拥有不同的背景。不同的民族对于不同的图像、颜色有着不同的理解。有时候一幅画,不同的人看,可能会有不同的理解。所以当用图象表达自己的思想时,别人的理解可能跟自己像表达的东西都所偏差。

3. 语言也有很强的力量 Words are capable of arousing the strongest emotions and prompting all man's actions。Martin Luther King I have a dream ,竞选前的演说等等。第二,很多教科书如果只有图片,没有文字,学生根本无法使用,而且文字可以清晰的阐述某一个原理或者公式。

4. abstract ideological ideas or values, or to the necessity to attain further understanding, language is indispensable。比如:哲学上的思想无法用图象表示出来

可供参考老题库215 "The bombardment of visual images in contemporary society has the effect of making people less able to focus clearly and extensively on a single issue over a long period of time."


With the bombardment of visual images through mass media in contemporary society, it is possible that people will become more and more passive audience rather than creative thinkers.

1. Throughout history, artists have skillfully used images to make people think.

2. Today, with the introduction of CAI into the classroom, teachers can make their courses more vivid, more attractive and more effective.

3. Unfortunately, however, electronic media such as TV and the Internet tend to bombardment people with images, stimulating their senses rather than their thinking.

Begin: The speaker asserts that… , however, the speaker neglect the fact that the development of mass media and Internet also provide abundant useful information.

1. 在过去,images通常是作为一种更好的帮助人们理解的手段。艺术,小孩子看的图画书,工程制图

2. However, the contemporary society has evolved into an era of information explosion with overwhelming amount of visual images, which distracted our attention to focus on specific issues. People become accustomed to the superficial description about an issue rather than spend much time meditating its essence. 如:广告,网络游戏。(每天都有新的电视剧上演,网络提供了大量图片、视频资源下载,人们看电视欣赏图片只是寻求刺激,感官的享受,电视里曲折的情节,而对于其的文学,审美价值没有任何评价,也不去想。)

3. Admittedly, abundant useful information is also provided along with visual images by the development of mass media and Internet. These images are more vivid and impressive than written articles. 多媒体教学,以前只有枯燥的课本和板书,现在结合了视频,音频信息,可以更好的帮助学生理解。如生物课上,通过视频,老师可以动态的,更加生动地向学生们展示类人猿到人类的一个变化的过程。另外,A lot of related information could be obtained only by typing some word expressing our needs into the searching engine on the Internet. 这而省去了以前为搜集资料而东奔西跑的时间与精力,为我们更加专注的研究提供了条件。相信只要正确的利用这些信息,Internet可以成为帮助我们专心研究的最有力的工具。



Has creating an image become more important in our society than the reality or truth behind the image? I agree that image has become a more central concern, at least where short-term business or political success is at stake. Nevertheless, I think that in the longer term image ultimately yields to substance and fact.

The important role of image is particularly evident in the business world. Consider, for example, today's automobile industry. American cars are becoming essentially identical to competing Japanese cars in nearly every mechanical and structural respect, as well as in price. Thus to compete effectively auto companies must now differentiate their products largely through image advertising, by conjuring up certain illusory benefits--such as machismo, status, sensibility, or fun. The increasing focus on image is also evident in the book-publishing business. Publishers are relying more and more on the power of their brands rather than the content of their books. Today mass-market books are supplanted within a year with products that are essential the same---except with fresh faces, rifles, and other promotional angles. I find quite telling the fact that today more and more book publishers are being acquired by large media companies. And the increasing importance of image is especially evident in the music industry, where originality, artistic interpretation, and technical proficiency have yielded almost entirely to sex appeal.

The growing significance of image is also evident in the political realm, particularly when it comes to presidential politics. Admittedly, by its very nature politicking has always emphasized rhetoric and appearances above substance and fact. Yet since the invention of the camera presidential politicians have become increasingly concerned about their image. For example, Teddy Roosevelt was very careful never to be photographed wearing a tennis outfit, for fear that such photographs would serve to undermine his rough-rider image that won him his only term in office. With the advent of television, image became even more central in presidential politics. After all, it was television that elected J.F.K. over Nixon. And our only two-term presidents in the television age were elected based largely on their image. Query whether Presidents Lincoln, Taft, or even F.D.R. would be elected today if pitted against the handsome leading man Reagan, or the suave and poliricaUy correct Clinton. After all, Lincoln was homely, Taft was obese, and F.D.R. was crippled.

In the long term, however, the significance of image wanes considerably. The image of the Marlboro man ultimately gave way to the truth about the health hazards of cigarette smoking. Popular musical acts with nothing truly innovative to offer musically eventually disappear from the music scene. And anyone who frequents yard sales knows that today's best-selling books often become tomorrow's pulp. Even in politics, I think history has a knack for peeling away image to focus on real accomplishments. I think history will remember Teddy Roosevelt, for example, primarily for building the Panama Canal and for establishing our National Park System--and not for his rough-and-ready wardrobe.

In the final analysis, it seems that in every endeavor where success depends to some degree on persuasion, marketing, or salesmanship, image has indeed become the central concern of those who seek to persuade. And as our lives become busier, our attention spans briefer, and our choices among products and services greater, I expect this trend to continue unabated--for better or worse.

Orignal From: Unfortunately, in contemporary society, creating an appealing image has become more important than the reality or truth behind that image

Some people believe that society should try to save every plant and animal species, despite the expense to humans in effort, time, and financial well-being. Others believe that society need not make extraordinary efforts, especially at a great cost in money and jobs, to save endangered species



.可供参考老题库121. "At various times in the geological past, many species have become extinct as a result of natural, rather than human, processes. Thus, there is no justification for society to make extraordinary efforts, especially at a great cost in money and jobs, to save endangered species."


The statement raises a variety of issues about morality, conscience, self-preservation, and economics. On balance, however, I fundamentally agree with the notion that humans need not make "extraordinary" efforts—at the expense of money and jobs—to ensure the preservation of any endangered species.

1. There are three fundamental arguments for imposing on ourselves at least some responsibility to preserve endangered species, which are culpability, capability, and self-preservation.

2. On the other hand are two compelling arguments against placing a duty on humans to protect endangered species. The first is essentially the Darwinian argument that extinction results from the inexorable process of so-called "natural selection" in which stronger species survive while weaker ones do not.

3. Secondly, many animal extinctions are due to natural forces which are far beyond our ability. The more money and jobs it would cost to save a certain species, the lower priority we should place on doing so.


1. 在过去,确实学多生物灭绝了,是自然选择的结果,生物进化的自然过程。比如恐龙dinosaur,蕨类植物fern。

2. 但是现在,物种的灭绝与濒危和人类的活动有着直接的联系。Deforestation,湿地marshi的消失导致habitat的锐减,污染和人类的对其他动物的捕杀切断了食物链food chain,北美旅鸽曾有几十亿只,殖民者开发美州100多年,1914年9月这种鸟杀绝了。

3. 不管动物的灭绝是否是人类活动造成的,人类都拯救那些濒危的物种。生物多样性是地球生态环境的保障,所有的物种通过食物链相互联系,任何物种的灭绝都会产生一系列的影响。鲸类靠鱼类为生,如果鱼类由于污染和过度捕捞而大规模灭绝,那么鲸类的生产就收到威胁。如果人类赖以生存的物种都灭绝了,那么人类还如何生存?

4. 但是也要有度,一个国家的人类财力是有限的,不能一味的全用来保护濒危物种。保护濒危物种与社会的进步,经济的发展不应该对立。

.可供参考老题库242 "Societies should try to save every plant and animal species, regardless of the expense to humans in effort, time, and financial well-being."政府应尽力挽救每一动植物,不管花费多少人力、时间和财力

There is no need to save every plant and animal species regardless of the human costs.

1. The history of natural evolution has witnessed the extinction of some plants and animals species, which did not result in any harm to the environment.

2. Of course, if scientists can more or less prove that the extinction of a certain plant or species will cause some disastrous chain effects, we should make every effort to save it.

3. The primary responsibility of humans is to try to maintain the environment at its natural state, and then let nature do the rest job.


1. 植物与动物对与生态环境的保护,十分重要。植物的光合作用提供了氧气与动物的食物提供了栖息地,动物为人类和其他物种提供了生存的必需。比如,磷虾krill为南极动物提供了食物,如果磷虾灭绝南极生物都会面临灭绝。热带雨林被破坏,影响地球的气候,影响人类的生存

2. 社会的资源是有限的,不能过分的进行保守的保护,人类也要生存。比如家具需要木材,砍伐树木。人类需要食物,捕捞海洋鱼类。他社会问题同样需要投入人力财力,比如失业,贫困,自然灾害

3. 更好的办法是开发利用与保护的平衡,既在可能的范围内保护动植物,也保障了人类自身的需要。比如可以一边砍伐树木一边植树造林。可以通过科学方法进行人工培养,不破坏野生种群,比如磷虾


What are the limits of our duty to save endangered species from extinction? The statement raises a variety of issues about morality, conscience, self-preservation, and economics. On balance, however, I fundamentally agree with the notion that humans need not make "extraordinary" efforts--at the expense of money and jobs--to ensure the preservation of any endangered species.

As I see it, there are three fundamental arguments for imposing on ourselves at least some responsibility to preserve endangered species. The first has to do culpability. According to this argument, to the extent that endangerment is the result of anthropogenic events such as dear-cutting of forests or polluting of lakes and streams, we humans have a duty to take affirmative measures to protect the species whose survival we've placed in jeopardy.

The second argument has to do with capability. This argument disregards the extent to which we humans might have contributed to the endangerment of a species. Instead, the argument goes, if we are aware of the danger, know what steps are needed to prevent extinction, and can take those steps, then we are morally obligated to help prevent extinction. This argument would place a very high affirmative duty on humans to protect endangered species.

The third argument is an appeal to self-preservation. The animal kingdom is an intricate matrix of interdependent relationships, in which each species depends on many others for its survival. Severing certain relationships, such as that between a predator and its natural prey, can set into motion a series of extinctions that ultimately might endanger our own survival as a species. While this claim might sound far-fetched to some, environmental experts assure us that in the long run it is very real possibility.

On the other hand are two compelling arguments against placing a duty on humans to protect endangered species. The first is essentially the Darwinian argument that extinction results from the inexorable process of so-called "natural selection" in which stronger species survive while weaker ones do not. Moreover, we humans are not exempt from the process. Accordingly, if we see fit to eradicate other species in order to facilitate our survival, then so be it. We are only behaving as animal must, Darwin would no doubt assert.

The second argument, and the one that I find most compelling, is an appeal to logic over emotion. It is a scientific fact that thousands of animal species become extinct every year. Many such extinctions are due to natural forces, while others are due to anthropogenic factors. In any event, it is far beyond our ability to save them all. By what standard, then, should we decide which species are worth saving and which ones are not? In my observation, we tend to favor animals with human-like physical characteristics and behaviors. This preference is understandable; after all, dolphins are far more endearing than bugs. But there is no logical justification for such a standard. Accordingly, what makes more sense is to decide based on our own economic self-interest. In other words, the more money and jobs it would cost to save a certain species, the lower priority we should place on doing do.

In sum, the issue of endangered-species protection is a complex one, requiring subjective judgments about moral duty and the comparative value of various life forms. Thus, there are no easy or certain answers. Yet it is for this very reason I agree that economic self-interest should take precedence over vague notions about moral duty when it comes to saving endangered species. In the final analysis, at a point when it becomes critical for our own survival as a species to save certain others, then we humans will do so if we are fit – in accordance with Darwin's observed process of natural selection.

Orignal From: Some people believe that society should try to save every plant and animal species, despite the expense to humans in effort, time, and financial well-being. Others believe that society need not make extraordinary efforts, especially at a great cost in money and jobs, to save endangered species