
Politicians should pursue common ground and reasonable consensus rather than elusive ideals


可供参考老题库195. "The goal of politics should not be the pursuit of an ideal, but rather the search for common ground and reasonable consensus."



1. Reasonable consensus and a political idea need not be mutually exclusive.

2. The speaker's position flies in the face of human nature and the nature of politics.

3. A third problem with the speaker's position is that it begs the question: What are the proper ideals for politicians? They have little to do with consensus, and everything to do with justice and fairness.

4. Finally, lacking idealism a political leader will tend to seek compromise and reasonable consensus for its own sake.


观点:should…or…? 承认searching for common ground and reasonable consensus is a goal of politics, 但是也不能忽视the fact that the pursuit of an ideal是很多领导者的政治目标。而且这两者并不mutually exclusive。

1. Firstly, 一个国家的政治目标是使该国家能够正常的运行和发展,因此必须满足绝大多数人的利益,也就是寻找普遍合理的大多数人的意见the goal for the politics of a nation is to ensure that the nation runs with a minimum of contention and develops in a favorable direction. Thus, government needs to meet the needs of the majority of its people and search for common ground and reasonable consensus。如果,总是忽略人民意愿与需要,可能会使决策脱离现实意义,进而导致人民的反对。所以,寻找共同点和合情合理的共识是政治目标

2. 然而,reasonable consensus and a political ideal need not be mutually exclusive.比如对于an ideal of peace,是the goal of politics, 同时它也是所有民众的reasonable consensus。(北范)

3. 但是由于民众只是和视野的局限性,有时他们的意见对国家和他们自己都是有害的,政治家们应当保持清醒。However, the ideas of one segment of the public, no matter how vocal, sometimes does harm to the whole nation as well as themselves as a result of their limited knowledge and viewpoint. Therefore, it is politicians who must remain clear-headed facing the need to make right choices.


Should educators focus equally on enriching students' personal lives and on job preparation, as the speaker contends? In my view, preparing students for the mundane aspects of work should be secondary to providing a broader education that equips students with historical and cultural perspective, as well as thoughtful and principled personal value systems and priorities. Paradoxically, it is through the liberal studies, which provide these forms of personal enrichment, that students can also best prepare for the world of work.

One reason why educators should emphasize personal enrichment over job preparation is that rote technical knowledge and skill do not help a student determine which goals in life are worthwhile and whether the means of attaining those goals are ethically or morally acceptable. Liberal studies such as philosophy, history, and comparative sociology enable students to develop thoughtful and consistent value systems and ethical standards, by which students can determine how they can best put their technical knowledge and skills to use in the working world. Thus, by nurturing the development of thoughtful personal value systems, educators actually help prepare students for their jobs and careers.

Another reason why educators should emphasize personal enrichment over job preparation is that specific knowledge and skills needed for jobs are changing more and more quickly. Thus it would be a waste of our education system to focus on specific knowledge and skills that will soon become obsolete--at the expense of providing a lasting and personally satisfying educational experience. It seems more appropriate today for employers to provide the training our work force needs to perform their jobs, freeing up our educators to help enrich students' lives in ways that will serve them in any walk of life.

A third reason why educators should emphasize personally enriching course work--particularly anthropology, sociology, history, and political philosophy--is that these courses help students understand, appreciate, and respect other people and their viewpoints. As these students grow into working adults they will be better able to cooperate, compromise, understand various viewpoints, and appreciate the rights and duties of coworkers, supervisors, and subordinates. Rote technical knowledge and skill do little to help us get along with other people.

Admittedly, certain aspects of personal enrichment, especially spirituality and religion, should be left for parents and churches to provide; after all, by advocating teachings of any particular religion, public educators undermine our basic freedom of religion. Yet it is perfectly appropriate, and useful, to inform students about various religious beliefs, customs and institutions. Learning about different religions instills respect, tolerance, and understanding. Moreover, students grow to appreciate certain fundamental virtues, such as compassion, virtue, and humility, which all major religions share. Through this appreciation students grow into adults who can work well together toward mutually agreed-upon goals.

In sum, it is chiefly through the more personally enriching Liberal studies that educators help students fully blossom into well-rounded adults and successful workers. There will always be a need to tram people for specific jobs, of course. However, since knowledge is advancing so rapidly, employers and job-training programs are better equipped to provide this function, leaving formal educators free to provide a broader, more personally enriching education that will serve students throughout their lives and in any job or career.

Orignal From: Politicians should pursue common ground and reasonable consensus rather than elusive ideals

