
Many important discoveries or creations are accidental: it is usually while seeking the answer to one question that we come across the answer to another


可供参考老题库216. "Most important discoveries or creations are accidental: it is usually while seeking the answer to one question that we come across the answer to another."


1. Turning first to discoveries, I agree that discovery often occurs when we unexpectedly happen upon something in our quest for something else—such as an answer to unrelated question or a solution to an unrelated problem.

2. Many important discoveries are anticipated and sought out purposefully.

3. In marked contrast to discoveries, creations are by nature products of their creator's purposeful designs.







LSD全称为Lysergic Acid Diethylamide。1943年由瑞士科学家阿尔伯特-霍夫曼发明。研究该药物的本来目的是治疗一种早期流传于欧洲的怪病,但在无意间试用后,阿尔伯特-霍夫曼却经历了人类历史上第一次"迷幻之旅"。LSD是当前已知的药力最强的迷幻剂。




苏格兰科学家亚历山大-弗莱明原来从事流感研究工作。1928年 9月的下午,弗莱明像往常一样来到了实验室。在他的实验室里培养了一些葡萄球菌--一种引起传染性皮肤病和脓肿的常见细菌。一次非常偶然的机会,由于疏忽而忘记为一个盛有葡萄球菌的培植盘子盖上盖子,结果他发现盘子中生长出的青色霉菌将周围的葡萄球菌全部杀死。后来,弗莱明还曾风趣地说,这一发现要归功于他的粗心大意。













②然而,这些偶然的发现,更重要归功于科学家研究者本人的努力工作和他请人的智商。如果当年牛顿是个白吃,没有惊人的数学能力,和对科学探索的精神,估计每天有一个苹果落到他的头上,他也不会推算出the law of gravity。没有门捷列夫对于科学的不懈追求,他也不会在睡觉的时候突然做梦,而梦到了元素的排列方式。

③尽管很多科学发现是由于偶然的机会,但是还有很多科学的发现,纯粹是每一滴汗水与守候的功劳。比如居里夫人经过45个月提炼出 ,爱迪生发明电灯炮做了几千次试验。(例子太老)



The speaker contends that most important discoveries and creations are accident~-----that they come about when we are seeking answers to other questions. I concede that this contention finds considerable support from important discoveries of the past. However, the contention overstates the role of accident, or serendipity, when it comes to modern day discoveries--and when it comes to creations.

Turning first to discoveries, I agree that discovery often occurs when we unexpectedly happen upon something in our quest for something else--such as an answer to unrelated question or a solution to an unrelated problem. A variety of geographical, scientific, and anthropological discoveries aptly illustrate this point. In search of a trade route to the West Indies Columbus discovered instead an inhabited continent unknown to Europeans; and during the course of an unrelated experiment Fleming accidentally discovered penicillin. In search of answers to questions about marine organisms, oceanographers often happen upon previously undiscovered, and important, archeological artifacts and geological phenomena; conversely, in their quest to understand the Earth's structure and history geologists often stumble upon important human artifacts. In light of the foregoing examples, "intentional discovery" might seem an oxymoron; yet in fact it is not. Many important discoveries are anticipated and sought out purposefully.

For instance, in their efforts to find new celestial bodies astronomers using increasingly powerful telescopes do indeed find them. Biochemists often discover important new vaccines and other biological and chemical agents for the curing, preventing, and treating diseases not by stumbling upon them in search of something else but rather through methodical search for these discoveries. In fact, in today's world discovery is becoming increasingly an anticipated result of careful planning and methodical research, for the reason that scientific advancement now requires significant resources that only large corporations and governments possess. These entities are accountable to their share-holders and constituents, who demand dear strategies and objectives so that they can see a return on their investments.

Turning next to how our creations typically come about, in marked contrast to discoveries, creations are by nature products of their creators' purposeful designs. Consider humankind's key creations, such as the printing press, the internal combustion engine, and semi-conductor technology. Each of these inventions sprung quite intentionally from the inventor's imagination and objectives. It is crucial to distinguish here between a creation and the spin-offs from that creation, which the original creator may or may not foresee. For instance, the engineers at a handful of universities who originally created the ARPAnet as a means to transfer data amongst themselves certainly intended to create that network for that purpose. What these engineers did not intend to create, however, was what would eventually grow to become the infrastrucRLre for mass media and communications, and even commerce. Yet the ARPAnet itself was no accident, nor are the many creations that it spawned, such as the World Wide Web and the coundess creations that the Web has in turned spawned.

In sum, the speaker has overlooked a crucial distinction between the nature of discovery and the nature of creation. Although serendipity has always played a key role in many important discoveries, at least up until now, purposeful intent is necessarily the key to human creation.

Orignal From: Many important discoveries or creations are accidental: it is usually while seeking the answer to one question that we come across the answer to another

