
Educational institutions have a responsibility to dissuade students from pursuing fields of study in which they are unlikely to succeed

可供参考老题库31 "Money spent on research is almost always a good investment, even when the results of that research are controversial."花费在研究上的金钱总是很好的投资,即使研究结果是有争论的

Disagree with concession: 

1. I concede that the speaker is on the correct philosophical side of this issue. After all, research is the exploration of the unknown for answers to our questions, and for lasting solutions to our endure problems.

2. While we must invest in research irrespective of whether the results might be controversial, at the same time we should be circumspect about research whose objectives are too vague and whose potential benefits are too speculative.

3. No amount of research can completely solve the enduring problems of war, poverty and violence, for the reason that they stem from the certain aspects of human nature—such as aggression and greed.


1. 研究在人类的发展中起了不可忽视的作用,研究是对未知领域的探索,发现问题并且解决问题,推动社会进步。它也满足了人们不断的求知欲望,帮助人们认识自己与世界。Research is the exploration of the unknown for true answers to our questions, and for lasting solutions to our enduring problems. Research is also the chief means by which we humans attempt to satisfy our insatiable appetite for knowledge, and our craving to understand ourselves and the world around us.在对基因gene的研究中,人们从根本上认识了自己,从而有助于治疗疾病并可以通过改变基因而改变世界。在对永动机的研究中,人类了解了自然能量守恒的原则principle of energy conservation,从而人类懂得了在自然的框架下实现理想。在对宏观经济macro-economy的研究中,人类摸索出了世界经济运行的规则,从而使人类更从容的面对今天经济的变幻莫测。因此,花在研究上的资金是很值得的。

2. 一些持反对意见的人可能会指出克隆和原子能的研究的例子。的确它们有不好的一面,违背社会伦理道德,造成核战争。但是我们应该看到,在和平时期核战争是可以控制的,克隆也正在受社会伦理道德的约束。并且在当下,这两种技术的确都为社会科学技术的发展做出了巨大的贡献。

3. 然而值得注意的是我们还是应该注意研究的结果的。After all, expensive research always carries significant opportunity costs--in terms of(根据, 按照, 用...的话, 在...方面) how the money might be spent toward addressing society's more immediate problems that do not require research.因为我们知道从经济学的角度讲,凡事都是有机会成本的,与其去做那些有争议的研究,不如把这些钱投入其他更有前途收效更大的研究中,或拿去解决社会当前所面临的社会问题。比如Star Wars。One apt illustration of this point involves the so-called "Star Wars" defense initiative, championed by the Reagan administration during the 1980s. In retrospect, this initiative was ill-conceived and largely a waste of taxpayer dollars; and few would dispute that the exorbitant amount of money devoted to the initiative could have gone a long way toward addressing pressing social problems of the day--by establishing after-school programs for delinquent latchkey kids, by enhancing AIDS awareness and education, and so forth.


Begin: 以认识大自然以及各种奥秘为目的的研究,毫无疑问是有价值的,无论结果是否具有争议性。部分研究中的争议问题不应当成为阻碍研究发展的理由,就好像人类不可能为了逃避污染而放弃工业给我们带来的便利一样。

1. 在人类的演化过程中,科学研究发挥着非常重要的作用。首先,研究向人们揭示自然界的各种现象,将人类有愚昧无知转变为现在的高度发达的文明世界。其次,研究帮助人们解决各种各样的问题,在人类发展初期,研究帮助人类对抗自然的威胁,现在研究推动科技以及知识的发展,并能够用于解决在科技发展的同时产生的各种各样的社会问题。

2. 基于上面的陈述,研究作为人类为名发展的主要动力之一,于其他领域相比较,是值得进行投资的。如果我们投资钱创办制造各种产品的工厂,我们不会得到任何科技领域的回报,除了我们能够拥有更多产品购买,而如果我们把钱投入到研究上,尽管也许大部分人不能够直接获益,但是科技却能够因此得到发展,最终整个社会都会收益。这一点在当今的科技飞速发展的时代尤为明显。

3. 不得不承认,有的研究的确会给社会带来灾难性的后果,尤其是用于研究各种武器的研究。正如许多人所指出的那样,研究的双重性意味着:人们不光能够用研究提高生活的标准,而且还可以用来摧毁人类社会。但是,需要指出,这些研究本身没有错,出发点是好的,Nobel 造 explosive, 是为了让在矿场的工人更加方便;核能—发电,无污染。只是我们错误的使用的它们,用于不正当的手段而已,就研发本身,是无可置疑的。


可供参考老题库44. "Government should not fund any scientific research whose consequences, either medical or ethical, are unclear."



1. Financial support is to the uncertain scientific research what steam is to locomotive.

2. The consequences of uncertain researches may turn out to be as substantial as those with clear perspectives.

3. Admittedly, there are some dangers or wastes when the result of a scientific research is unclear.


可供参考老题库67 "Colleges should require students to engage in public-service activities in order to assure that each student receives a balanced, well-rounded education." 学院应该要求学生们参加公益活动,这样就能保证学生们得到全面平衡的教育。 3

1. 对学生自身的帮助:A)认识、了解社会,将来能更好的适应社会 B)而传统教育往往存在弊端:过多强调专业教育,与社会隔离,缺乏这会能力与责任感的的培养;进入社会后无法面对各种挫折与挑战。

2. 对社会的帮助:A)"中国青年志愿者":普及卫生、法律等基本知识,去福利院帮助残疾人与老人等。 B)社会由人组成,高素质人推动社会进步、促进人类发展

3. 但过多的强调并不好,毕竟不是教育的重心,以上那些优势都可以从别的活动中获取,教育本身的不可替代性没有显现出来。而且,well-rounded education需要其他更重要的因素来保证。如:系统、全面知识的传授;能力的培养和挖掘

可供参考老题库80 "All students should be required to take courses in the sciences, even if they have no interest in science." 所有的学生都应该被要求学习理科课程,尽管有些人对理科不感兴趣。 26


1. 科学知识不仅仅服务于研究,也指导人们的日常生活,保护自己。Some knowledge of the sciences is a must for everyone living in an age in which science and technology play a dominant role.如微波炉的使用,好多人不知道如何正确使用微波炉,错误的使用微波炉加热鸡蛋或者烧水,伤及自身。再者,学习简单的医疗知识,可以进行家庭自救。

2. 普及科学知识,也可以引导人们节约用电用水,不乱砍乱伐,学会垃圾分类。一个全社会公民具有基本科学知识的社会必将是一个欣欣向荣,可持续发展的社会。

3. 艺术文学工作者,也需要基本的科学素养,有时候各个领域之间的交叉,往往会产生新的灵感与发现。科学研究的方法,思维往往可以应用于文学艺术领域。往往很多伟人,即是科学家,又是文学家。

4. 当然,尖端的领域,就不要求普通人去学习,这些是科学家的任务,而这些领域的研究,不仅仅是要求研究者,简单的掌握基础知识,更要求他们能够灵活运用,熟练掌握,而且能够有所创新,这不是普通人可以办到的,强迫他们去学习这些尖端的知识也是徒劳。

可供参考老题库90"College students should be encouraged to pursue subjects that interest them rather than seek programs that promise entry into the job market." 应该鼓励大学学生学习他们感兴趣的课程,而不是学习好找工作的课程。 2


1. 从教育的目的上讨论,兴趣对教育的重要性;

对个人,爱因斯坦有句至理名言:"兴趣是最好的老师";对社会,教育的目的就是为社会培养各种人才,如果不注重学生兴趣,那么他们到社会不可能尽其所能。有时候可能埋没人才。比如一味的强调分数,那么对发明有兴趣的学生可能会失去动力,eg. 达尔文的父亲要求他学医,但他对自然界有强烈的兴趣,最终写出了"进化论";爱因斯坦小时候学习并不好,并不表示他笨,而是没有找到自己的兴趣。所以,教育应该因材施教people oriented principle,teach students in accordance of their aptitude and interesting.

2. 然而,学习如何找到好工作的课程也不能忽略,因为学生最终是要走向社会、走向工作岗位的。 A)除了基础理论课,学校还应教授一些贴近实际应用的课程及工作技能,使学生能够找到合适的岗位,同时以满足社会的需要。 B)学会如何与其他人更好的交流、合作,宽容忍让,teamwork spirit,这些都有助于一个人走出校园之后的事业和发展。当每个人都能找到合适自己的工作,并在岗位上尽职尽责时,社会也会更加繁重稳定。

3. 当然,学校毕竟不是职业培训机构,应该着重在教育而不是针对某一行业的培训。学校更看重的应该是对一个学生的全面培养,除了专业知识和技能的传授,从正确的道德观、人生观和价值观,到处理问题的科学方法和能力,都是学校教育的重点。因此,对于学校来说,一个很好的做法是,必修课与选修课的结合。而这样的方法几乎被所有大学验证是一个非常好的措施。

可供参考老题库94"Universities should require every student to take a variety of courses outside the student's field of study because acquiring knowledge of various academic disciplines is the best way to become truly educated." 大学应该要求学生学习本专业以外的课程,因为让学生们了解不同学科的知识才是教育的真谛所在。(文中有,搜索即可)

可供参考老题库106"All students should be required to take at least one course in ethics, even if taking the course means a decreased emphasis on academic subjects." 学生们应该被要求至少学习一种道德规范课程,即使这样会影响学术课程的学习。


1. At the individual level, the goal of the education is to explain nature, teach students how to differentiate between truth and falsehood and probity and chicanery, and cultivate knowledge and well-rounded people. Thus the instruction of academic subjects and ethical courses should be given equal importance. 通过道德教育,使学生懂得如何做一个有责任感的人,并对社会负责,保护环境,节约能源,学会垃圾分类。才会孝敬父母,礼貌待人。才会工作尽职。

2. At the national level,道德教育可以保持社会的稳定,促进社会的发展。A)公民都遵纪守法 B)医生都有医德 C)科技只为人类服务,不会有人利用克隆human cloning、生化武器Chemical and biological weapons、核武器nuclear energy来危害人类 D)商人都讲诚信了。 我们的社会就会更加稳定,生活更加美好。

同时,taking a course in ethics does not necessarily mean a decreased emphasis on academic subjects. Actually, on the contrary, attending a course in ethics will help students do better in their academic subjects道德教育的课程不但不会影响专业课程的教育,反而对学生的主修专业的学习有帮助。Taking a course of ethics can, on one hand, fully develop a students's moral outlook. The development of students' morals and ethics leads students to know what kind of academic subjects should they study in. Students may well understand what "good" and "bad" academic research means to society. Pursuing a course in ethics will do much in helping a student's academic studies

可供参考老题库191"Education should be equally devoted to enriching the personal lives of students and to training students to be productive workers." 教育应该把这两件事看得同等重要-丰富学生的个人生活,把学生培养成生产者。(文中有,搜索即可)

可供参考老题库158 (文中有,搜索即可)"The arts (music, dance, visual arts, etc.) are vitally important to students' education and should therefore receive as much emphasis as mathematics, science, reading and other mainstream subjects." 艺术(音乐、舞蹈、视觉艺术等)对学生的教育非常重要的,因此它们应该得到和数学、科学、阅读以及其他主流课程一样的重视。


I agree with the speaker's broad assertion that money spent on research is generally money well invested. However, the speaker unnecessarily extends this broad assertion to embrace research whose results are "controversial," while ignoring certain compelling reasons why some types of research might be unjustifiable. My points of contention with the speaker involves the fundamental objectives and nature of research, as discussed below.

I concede that the speaker is on the correct philosophical side of this issue. After all, research is the exploration of the unknown for true answers to our questions, and for lasting solutions to our enduring problems. Research is also the chief means by which we humans attempt to satisfy our insatiable appetite for knowledge, and our craving to understand ourselves and the world around us. Yet, in the very notion of research also lies my first point of contention with the speaker, who illogically presumes that we can know the results of research before we invest in it. To the contrary, if research is to be of any value it must explore uncharted and unpredictable territory. In fact, query whether research whose benefits are immediate and predictable can break any new ground, or whether it can be considered "research" at all.

While we must invest in research irrespective of whether the results might be controversial, at the same time we should be circumspect about research whose objectives are too vague and whose potential benefits are too speculative. After all, expensive research always carries significant opportunity costs--in terms of how the money might be spent toward addressing society's more immediate problems that do not require research. One apt illustration of this point involves the so-called "Star Wars" defense initiative, championed by the Reagan administration during the 1980s. In retrospect, this initiative was ill-conceived and largely a waste of taxpayer dollars; and few would dispute that the exorbitant amount of money devoted to the initiative could have gone a long way toward addressing pressing social problems of the day--by establishing after-school programs for delinquent latchkey kids, by enhancing AIDS awareness and education, and so forth. As it turns out, at the end of the Star Wars debacle we were left with rampant gang violence, an AIDS epidemic, and an unprecedented federal budget deficit.

The speaker's assertion is troubling in two other r~sp,ects as well. First, no amount of research can completely solve the enduring pr~l~rm of war, poverty, and violence, for the reason that they stem from certain aspects of human nature--such as aggression and greed. Although human genome research might eventually enable us to engineer away those undesirable aspects of our nature, in the meantime it is up to our economists, diplomats, social reformers, and jurists--not our research laboratories--to mitigate these problems. Secondly, for every new research breakthrough that helps reduce human suffering is another that serves primarily to add to that suffering. For example, while some might argue that physics researchers who harnessed the power of the atom have provided us with an alternative source of energy and invaluable "peace-keepers," this argument flies in the face of the hundreds of thousands of innocent people murdered and maimed by atomic blasts, and by nuclear meltdowns. And, in fulfilling the promise of "better living through chemistry" research has given us chemical weapons for human slaughter. In short, so-called "advances" that scientific research has brought about often amount to net losses for humanity.

In sum, the speaker's assertion that we should invest in research whose results are "controversial" begs the question, because we cannot know whether research will turn out controversial until we've invested in it. As for the speaker's broader assertion, I agree that money spent on research is generally a sound investment because it is an investment in the advancement of human knowledge and in human imagination and spirit. Nevertheless, when we do research purely for its own sake without aim or clear purpose--we risk squandering resources which could have been applied to relieve the immediate suffering of our dispirited, disadvantaged, and disenfranchised members of society. In the final analysis, given finite economic resources we are forced to strike a balance in how we allocate those resources among competing societal objectives.

Orignal From: Educational institutions have a responsibility to dissuade students from pursuing fields of study in which they are unlikely to succeed

