可供参考老题库210. "Most people choose a career on the basis of such pragmatic considerations as the needs of the economy, the relative ease of finding a job, and the salary they can expect to make. Hardly anyone is free to choose a career based on his or her natural talents or interest in a particular kind of work."
Although practical considerations often play a significant role in occupational trends, ultimately the driving forces behind people's career decisions are individual interest and ability.
1. first glance the balance of empirical evidence would seem to lend considerable credence to the speaker's claim
2 However, upon further reflection it becomes clear that the relationship between career seekers and the supply of careers is an interdependent one, and therefore it is unfair to generalize about which one drives the other.
3. Another compelling argument against the speaker's claim has to do with the myriad of ways in which people earn their living.
1. 现实的因素很大程度上决定了人们的职业选择。因为现在这个社会普遍比较重视物质财富,而一个有责任的人必须有一份工作来维持生存,并给自己的家庭一定的支持,房子贷款,车子保险,教育,医疗这个都需要钱,所以我们理解大部分人们总是把薪水作为选择自己职业的主要因素。
2. 但是更多的情况的是,人们没有选择工作的机会。因为每年人才市场上总是职业远远少于应聘的人数,除了每年大批的大学毕业生,还有很多因各种原因失业的人,也会参与工作竞争,而那些高薪的工作更是人们主要的争夺对象,不排除少数特别优秀的人,可以同时有几份offer,但是大多数普通的人只有一份工作,甚至还没有,通常这种情况,人们没有选择工作的机会,只能等着雇主选中自己。
3. 但是我们应该看到这样一个事实:根据自己的兴趣选择有利于激发热情,使人在工作中更积极,从而更容易成功。Bill Gates;NBA好多superstar都是从高中直接进入NBA的,如Kobe Bryant,他刚加入球队时,工资很低,第一个赛季出场机会都很少,但篮球是他的兴趣,经过努力,他最终成功了。
4. 所以我们应该培养自己多方面的兴趣。作为学生的我们,应该把每一科都学好,提高自己的能力,这样就会在求职中找到最满意的工作了,既能满足你的生活需要,又是你所喜欢或者擅长的。
End: From what we discussed above, we should understand the situation as the speaker asserted. Meanwhile, 我们应该培养自己多方面的兴趣,以适应这个充满竞争的社会。从而使找到的工作既符合pragmatic considerations,又符合我们的兴趣。
.可供参考老题库 90. "College students should be encouraged to pursue subjects that interest them rather than seek programs that promise entry into the job market."
1. Today's parents attach too much importance to the job prospects of their children's education.
2. However, empirical evidence suggests that young people are more likely to succeed in a career that interests them.
1. 从教育的目的上讨论,兴趣对教育的重要性;
对个人,爱因斯坦有句至理名言:"兴趣是最好的老师";对社会,教育的目的就是为社会培养各种人才,如果不注重学生兴趣,那么他们到社会不可能尽其所能。有时候可能埋没人才。比如一味的强调分数,那么对发明有兴趣的学生可能会失去动力,eg. 达尔文的父亲要求他学医,但他对自然界有强烈的兴趣,最终写出了"进化论";爱因斯坦小时候学习并不好,并不表示他笨,而是没有找到自己的兴趣。所以,教育应该因材施教people oriented principle,teach students in accordance of their aptitude and interesting.
2. 然而,学习如何找到好工作的课程也不能忽略,因为学生最终是要走向社会、走向工作岗位的。 A)除了基础理论课,学校还应教授一些贴近实际应用的课程及工作技能,使学生能够找到合适的岗位,同时以满足社会的需要。 B)学会如何与其他人更好的交流、合作,宽容忍让,teamwork spirit,这些都有助于一个人走出校园之后的事业和发展。当每个人都能找到合适自己的工作,并在岗位上尽职尽责时,社会也会更加繁重稳定。
3. 当然,学校毕竟不是职业培训机构,应该着重在教育而不是针对某一行业的培训。学校更看重的应该是对一个学生的全面培养,除了专业知识和技能的传授,从正确的道德观、人生观和价值观,到处理问题的科学方法和能力,都是学校教育的重点。因此,对于学校来说,一个很好的做法是,必修课与选修课的结合。而这样的方法几乎被所有大学验证是一个非常好的措施。
.可供参考老题库191 "Education should be equally devoted to enriching the personal lives of students and to training students to be productive workers." 教育应该把这两件事看得同等重要-丰富学生的个人生活,把学生培养成生产者。(类似于90T)
In my view, preparing students for the mundane aspects of work should be secondary to providing a broader education that equips students with historical and cultural perspective, as well as thoughtful and principled personal value systems and priorities.
1. One reason why educators should emphasize personal enrichment over job preparation is that rote technical knowledge and skill do not help a student determine which goals in life are worthwhile and whether the means of attaining those goals are ethically or morally acceptable.
2. Another reason why educators should emphasize personal enrichment over job preparation is that specific knowledge and skills needed for jobs are changing more and more quickly.
3. A third reason why educators should emphasized personally enriching course work—particularly anthropology, sociology, history, and political philosophy—is that these courses help students understand, appreciate and respect other people and their viewpoints.
1. 最终目的是丰富学生的minds, 交给他们独立思考的能力。这些应该通过自然科学—教会宇宙如何运行如:能量守恒law of conservation of energy,社会科学—教会社会怎样运作如:politics,人文艺术—是他们心灵更丰富,更具有智慧如:history, literature, and paintings music。
2.admittedly, 培养成工人也很重要A 科技发展,对工人要求越来越高。反面说,没有充分技能根本无法上岗B 工作越来越难找。
3.但不是一样重要。A一味强调训练成工人把education降格为training,忽视了教育本身的目的. B科技发展迅速,现在教的以后也用不上。 C倒是 者脑与所教授的内容可能对工作有帮助。如:怎样待人处事。
.可供参考老题库201 "The purpose of education should be to provide students with a value system, a standard, a set of ideas -- not to prepare them for a specific job." 教育的目的应是给学生提供一个价值系统,标准以及一系列理念,而不是使他们为某一特定工作做好准备。(类似于90T)
① 灌输基本的价值观和思考的方法是十分重要的。A包括人类的传统美德以及社会的传统文化。拥有基本价值观的人—charity, virtue, honesty, appreciation for others—使得社会稳定。B 思考的方法使得他们自己去探究生命的意义,内省introspect, 生活的层次更高。
② 实际生活中,越来越多的学生难以找到一份满意的工作。对他们个人而言,职业技能的培养也很重要。企业在招人时,并不特别重视这个学生接受了多少价值观的灌输,由于其盈利的本质,只看重能带来多少利益。
③ 仅仅关注职业教育,会使education沦落为training, 培养出一堆没有思考能力的机器。仅仅灌输价值观和思考方法,会使学生在劳动力市场上失利,并最终导致教育的失败。因而最好的方法是将二者结合,本身就并不矛盾。
1. By helping students develop a thoughtful, principled value system educators actually help prepare students for jobs.
2. another reason for my viewpoint lies in the fact that technology-driven industries account for an ever-increasing portion of our jobs.
3. Besides helping students develop their own thoughtful value systems, educators should instill in students certain basic values upon which any democratic society depends; otherwise, our freedom to choose our own jobs and careers might not survive in the long term.
4. Admittedly, values and behavioral standards specific to certain religions are best left to parents and churches.
The speaker believes that economic and other pragmatic concerns are what drive people's career decisions, and that very few people are free to choose their careers based on their talents and interests. I tend to disagree; although practical considerations often play a significant role in occupational trends, ultimately the driving forces behind people's career decisions are individual interest and ability.
At first glance the balance of empirical evidence would seem to lend considerable credence to the speaker's claim. The most popular fields of study for students today are the computer sciences--fields characterized by a relative glut[Mr.1] of job opportunities. Graduates with degrees in liberal arts often abandon their chosen fields because they cannot find employment, and reenter school in search of more "practical" careers. Even people who have already achieved success in their chosen field are often forced to abandon them due to pragmatic concerns. For example, many talented and creative people from the entertainment industry find themselves looking for other, less satisfying, kinds of work when they turn 40 years of age because industry executives[Mr.2] prefer younger artists who are "tuned in" to the younger demographic[Mr.3] group that purchases entertainment products.
However, upon further reflection it becomes clear that the relationship between career-seekers and the supply of careers is an interdependent one, and therefore it is unfair to generalize about which one drives the other. Consider, for example, the two mainstream fields of computer science and law. In the computer industry it might appear that supply dearly drives job interest--and understandably so, given the highly lucrative financial rewards. But, would our legions of talented programmers, engineers, scientists, and technicians really pursue their careers without a genuine fascination, a passion, or at least an interest in those areas? I think not.
Conversely, consider the field of law, in which it would appear that demand drives the job market, rather than vice versa. The number of applications to law schools soared[Mr.4] during the civil rights movement of the 1960s, and again in the 1980s during the run of the popular television series LA. Lmv. More recently, the number of students pursuing paralegal and criminal-justice careers spiked during and immediately after the O.J. Simpson trial. Query, though, whether these aspiring lawyers and paralegals wood have been sufficiently motivated had the supply of jobs and the financial rewards not already been waiting for them upon graduation.
Another compelling argument against the speaker's claim has to do with the myriad of ways in which people earn their living. Admittedly, the job market is largely clustered around certain mainstream industries and types of work. Nevertheless, if one peers beyond these mainstream occupational areas it becomes evident that many, many people do honor their true interests and talents--in spite of where most job openings lie and regardless of their financial rewards. Creative people seem to have a knack for creating their own unique vocational niche whether it be in the visual or the performing arts; many animal lovers create work which allows them to express that love. Caregivers and nurturers manage to find work teaching, socializing, counseling, and healing others. And people bitten by the travel bug generally have little trouble finding satisfying careers in the travel industry.
In sum, the speaker's threshold claim that it is strictly the pragmatic concerns of job availability and financial compensation that drive people's career decisions oversimplifies both why and how people make career choices. Besides, the speaker's final claim that people are not free to choose their work violates my intuition. In the final analysis, people are ultimately free to choose their work; it's just that they often choose to betray their true talents and interests for the sake of practical, economic considerations.
In my view, preparing students for the mundane[Mr.5] aspects of work should be secondary to providing a broader education that equips students with historical and cultural perspective[Mr.6] , as well as thoughtful and principled personal value systems and priorities[Mr.7] .
1. One reason why educators should emphasize personal enrichment over job preparation is that rote[Mr.8] technical knowledge and skill do not help a student determine which goals in life are worthwhile and whether the means of attaining those goals are ethically or morally acceptable.
2. Another reason why educators should emphasize personal enrichment over job preparation is that specific knowledge and skills needed for jobs are changing more and more quickly.
3. A third reason why educators should emphasized personally enriching course work—particularly anthropology[Mr.9] , sociology, history, and political philosophy—is that these courses help students understand, appreciate and respect other people and their viewpoints.
a glut of fruit 水果太多了。
狼吞虎咽。 glut oneself with food 吃得太饱。 glut one's eyes 看够,大饱眼福。 glut one's revenge 出够了气。 glut the market 使存货过剩。
executive authorities 行政当局。 an executive branch [department] 1. 行政部门。 2. 【航海】作战部。 executive committee 执行委员会。 executive board 理事会。 executive council 咨询会议,行政会议,最高行政会议。 an executive officer =exec.
the (Chief) E- 〔美国〕总统;州长;〔英国〕国王。
〔诗〕飞翔到,高飞到。 beyond the soar of fancy 出乎意料之外;想像不到。 The temperature soared to 80°. 温度猛升到80度。
-er 名词
1.世俗的,现世的,尘世间的 〔cf. spiritual, heavenly〕; 庸俗的。
mundane affairs 俗事。 the mundane era 世界的纪元。
-ly 副词
perspective (1)
(按照)透视画法的;透视的。 a perspective drawing 透视画。 a perspective glass 望远镜。
aerial perspective (用色调浓淡表现的)空中透视画法。 angular [linear] perspective 斜线[直线]透视画法。 in perspective 按照透视画法的[地];展望中的[地];正确的[地];【数学】连成一行 (see things in perspective 正确地看待事物)。 out of perspective 不合透视画法;不正确地。
-ly 副词
perspective (2)
establish an order of priority 确定讨论项目的次序。 give priority to 把优先权让给…。 priority of one's claim to another's 某人的要求比另一人的更重要。 according to priority 依照次序,依次。 take priority of 比…居先;得…的优先权。
rote (1)
by rote 死记;机械地 (do by rote 呆板地做。 have [get, learn] by rote 死记)。
rote (2)
Orignal From: Some people believe that universities should require every student to take a variety of courses outside the student's field of study. Others believe that universities should not force students to take any courses other than those that will help prepare them for jobs in their chosen fields