1. True education amounts to far more than gaining the knowledge and ability to excel in one's major course of study and in one's professional career.
2. Becoming truly educated also requires sufficient mastery of one academic area to permit a student to contribute meaningfully to society later in life.
3. Nevertheless, the call for a broad educational experience as the path to becoming truly educated comes with one important caveat—in the pursuit of true education students must be careful not to become a dilettante.
观点:基本同意,但对"truly education"的认识不够全面
1. 对学好本学科有帮助,因为知识在逻辑体系上是互通的,各个学科之间的相互交织。Since various disciplines were interrelated, the study of courses outside the students' own field may benefit the study of their own major.如:力学中的理论可用于美术;如:公共行政学生需要了解心理学、管理学、政治学的发展
2. 在全球化进程的今天,只学习某个专业内的知识已经不能满足需要了In today's technologically advanced society it is impossible for those who focus their attention on the concerning fields to satisfy the needs for the future society. 首先,广泛的学习各种知识能够拓宽视野。(broaden our vision | cultivate full-blown market of ideas | a broad spectrum of opinions | get closer to the truth | come to the best judgment.) True education amounts to far more than gaining the knowledge and ability to excel in one's major course of study and in one's professional career.其次,可以让学生发现她真正感兴趣的研究方向。By exploring subjects outside their own major, students may find new academic fields where lie their real interest and potential gift.
然而,truly education并不只是传授知识(无论是本专业还是其他专业),还有其他很重要的方面。培养学生独立学习并思考、创新的能力;与他人交流沟通、合作的能力等。苏格拉底"真正的教育":Genuine education, as Socrates knew more than two thousand years ago, is not inserting the stuffings of information into a person, but rather eliciting knowledge from him; it is the drawing out of what is in the mind
.可供参考老题库98:"Colleges and universities should offer more courses on popular music, film, advertising, and television because contemporary culture has much greater relevance for students than do arts and literature of the past."
Agree with concession
1. Popular culture is a mirror of society's impulses and values.
2. Knowledge of popular films, music, and art enables a person to find common ground to relate to other people, which leads to better communication between different subcultures.
3. Nevertheless, emphasizing the study of popular culture at the expense of studying classical art and literature can carry harmful consequences for students, as well as for society.
1. I concede 学习popular culture is beneficial, A)应当在学习传统文化的基础上学习现代流行文化 B)现代文化更多的讲究交流与融合,有利于不同文化之间的交流/
2. 学习popular at the cost of classic 是要不得的。 A )传统文化奠定了现代文化的foundation, by studying traditional culture is sufficient for us to learn contemporary culture. B )传统文化经过了时间的考验,留下的多是精华;而现代文化有很多可能并无excellence
3. 现代文化在课堂外就可以学到。有很多接触机会。
4. 应当在学习传统文化的基础上学习现代流行文化
.可供参考老题库158 "The arts (music, dance, visual arts, etc.) are vitally important to students' education and should therefore receive as much emphasis as mathematics, science, reading and other mainstream subjects." 艺术(音乐、舞蹈、视觉艺术等)对学生的教育非常重要的,因此它们应该得到和数学、科学、阅读以及其他主流课程一样的重视。
1. 学习艺术一个人的学业有帮组:A)学科之间是相互联系、相互依赖的,在一个领域内的学习可以对另一个领域有促进作用。B)开拓视野,激发灵感Arts will ignite the sparks of human minds, and will spur us to quarry the beauty of the nature.爱因斯坦对音乐痴迷
2. 艺术对一个人的生活的影响:A)陶冶情操,丰富课余生活;B)提高审美水平,提高素质,影响感知世界的角度
I fundamentally agree with the proposition that students must take courses outside their major field of study to become "truly educated." A contrary position would reflect a too narrow view of higher education and its proper[Mr.1] objectives. Nevertheless, I would caution that extending the proposition too far might risk undermining those objectives.
The primary reason why I agree with the proposition is that "me" education amounts to far more than gaining the knowledge and ability to excel in one's major course of study and in one's professional career. True education also facilitates[Mr.2] an understanding of oneself, and tolerance and respect for the viewpoints of others. Courses in psychology, sociology, and anthropology all serve these ends. "True" education also provides insight and perspective regarding one's place in society and in the physical and metaphysical[Mr.3] worlds. Courses in political science, philosophy, theology, and even sciences such as astronomy and physics can help a student gain this insight and perspective. Finally, no student can be truly educated without having gained an aesthetic appreciation of the world around us--through course work in literature, the fine arts, and the performing arts.
Becoming truly educated also requires sufficient mastery of one academic area to permit a student to contribute meaningfully to society later in life. Yet, mastery of any specific area requires some knowledge about a variety of others. For example, a political-science student can fully understand that field only by understanding the various psychological, sociological, and historical forces that shape political ideology. An anthropologist cannot excel without understanding the social and political events that shape cultures, and without some knowledge of chemistry and geology for performing field work. Even computer engineering is intrinsically tied to other fields, even non-technical ones such as business, communications, and media. Nevertheless, the call for a broad educational experience as the path to becoming truly educated comes with one important caveat. A student who merely dabbles in a hodgepodge of academic offerings, without special emphasis on any one, becomes a dilettante[Mr.4] lacking enough knowledge or experience in any single area to come away with anything valuable to offer. Thus in the pursuit of true education students must be careful not to overextend themselves----or risk defeating an important objective of education.
In the final analysis, to become truly educated one must strike a proper balance in one's educational pursuits. Certainly, students should strive to excel in the specific requirements of their major course of study. However, they should complement those efforts by pursuing course work in a variety of other areas as well. By earnestly pursuing a broad education one gains the capacity not only to succeed in a career, but also to find purpose and meaning in that career as well as to understand and appreciate the world and its peoples. To gain these capacities is to become "truly educated."
73 Colleges and universities should require all faculty to spend time working outside the academic world in professions relevant to the courses they teach.
Whether college faculty should also work outside academia, in professional work related to their academic fields, depends primarily on the specific academic area. With respect to fields in which outside work is appropriate, I strongly agree with the statement; students and faculty all stand to gain in a variety of respects when a professor complements academic duties with real-world experience.
As a threshold matter, the statement requires qualification in two respects. First, in certain academic areas there is no profession to speak of outside academia. This is especially true in the humanities; after all, what work outside academia is there for professors of literature or philosophy? Secondly, the statement fails to consider that in certain other academic areas a professor's academic duties typically involve practical work of the sort that occurs outside academia. This is especially true in the fine and performing arts, where faculty actively engage in the craft by demonstrating techniques and styles for their students.
Aside from these two qualifications, I strongly agree that it is worthwhile for college faculty to work outside academia in professional positions related to their field. There are three dear benefits of doing so. First, in my experience as a student, faculty who are actively engaged in their fields come to class with fresh insights and a contagious excitement about the subject at hand. Moreover, they bring to their students practical, real-world examples of the principles and theories discussed in textbooks, thereby sparking interest, and even motivating some students to pursue the field as a career.
Secondly, by keeping abreast with the changing demands of work as a professional, professors can help students who are serious about pursuing a career in that field to make more informed career decisions. The professor with field experience is better able to impart useful, up-to-date information about what work in the field entails, and even about the current job market. After all, college career-planning staff are neither equipped nor sufficiently experienced to provide such specific advice to students.
A third benefit has to do with faculty research and publication in their areas of specialty. Experience in the field can help a professor ferret out cutting-edge and controversial issues--which might be appropriate subjects for research and publication. Moreover, practical experience can boost a professor's credibility as an expert in the field. For example, each year a certain sociology professor at my college combined teaching with undercover work investigating various cults. Not only did the students benefit from the many interesting stories this professor had to tell about his experiences, the professor's publications about cults catapulted him to international prominence as an expert on the subject, and justifiably so.
In sum, aside from certain academic areas in which outside work is either unavailable or unnecessary, students and faculty alike stand everything to gain when faculty enrich their careers by interspersing field work with academic work.
3.固有的,特有的,独特的 (to)。
I dislike proper children. 我不喜欢一本正经的孩子。 The book hardly belongs to literature proper. 这本书不好说是纯文学书。 the dictionary proper 辞典正文。 temperature proper to August 八月特有的气温。 Ferosity is proper to tigers. 凶猛是老虎的天性。 a peacock proper 【纹章】天然色彩的孔雀(纹章)。 architecture proper (不包含雕刻、管道等加工工程的)主体纯粹建筑。 There will be a proper row about it. 这个事情要引起一场大乱子来的。 a proper man 〔古语〕漂亮的男子。 quite a proper book 一本极好的书。 as you think proper 你认为怎么合适就…。 at a proper time 在适当的时候。 in the proper sense of the word 按照这个词的本来意义。 in the proper way 用适当方法。 paint sb. in sb.'s proper colours 老老实实批评某人。 proper for the occasion 合时宜。
〔常 pl. 〕【宗教】特定礼拜仪式,特祷;特赞。
The broken lock facilitated my entrance into the empty house. 门锁坏了,使我得以进入这个空屋。 ★此词不以人作主语。
-tation 名词
3. 玄奥的;抽象的;穿凿入微的,过分细腻的。
-ly 副词
(pl. dilettantes, -ti )
-tantish 形容词
Orignal From: Requiring university students to take a variety of courses outside their major fields of study is the best way to ensure that students become truly educated