
Some people believe that our ever-increasing use of technology significantly reduces our opportunities for human interaction. Other people believe that technology provides us with new and better ways to communicate and connect with one another

可供参考老题库88. "Technologies not only influence but actually determine social customs and ethics."


1. Technologies have radically changed the way we spend holidays.

2. The new ways of communication brought about by electronic technology have transformed the way we associate with each other in our daily lives.

3. However, we should not let technologies determine our ethics.


Begin:I agree with the speaker's assertio that technologies influence social ethics and customs. However, the speaker extends this influence factor to a determination factor, 是不正确的。

1. 技术可以影响社会传统。比如:工业革命是女性的地位提高了,可以走出家门工作;电脑、网络、手机的普及彻底改变了人们的生活方式和相处方式(贺年卡à短信祝福;书信à邮件,聊天工具);先进的交通工具可以使人们不再需要必须住在城市。(transportation, communication, automation)

2. 技术可以影响道德规范。遗传学的研究使人们认识到近亲结婚的坏处(intermarriage, genetics); 医学发展à被动吸烟的危害à公共场合禁止吸烟。

3. 因为技术是为人类服务的,而社会传统和道德规范正是人的一种体现。相反,技术要受到社会传统和道德规范的影响。比如克隆人的研究一直被大多数国家禁止。Although we could benefit from the power of the atom which provides us with an inexhaustible source of energy, we should be aware of the fact it may also result in devastating disaster. So we should concertrate on 发电功能 rather than 核武器试验。

End:In sum, Technology 是为人类服务的,它可以影响social customs and ethics, by which it should also be determined.

可供参考老题库107. "Instant communication systems encourage people to form hasty opinions and give quick replies rather than take the time to develop thoughtful, well-reasoned points of view."


Instant communication systems tend to discourage thoughtful and well-reasoned points of view.

1. Instant communication systems usually require quick replies.

2. The pressure of time and space—a key feature of instant communication—forces people to form hasty opinions rather than thoughtful and well-reasoned points of view.

3. On the contrary, traditional ways of communication such as hand-written letters or face-to-face discussion are more likely to induce in-depth thinking.


可供参考老题库151. "High-speed electronic communications media, such as electronic mail and television, tend to prevent meaningful and thoughtful communication."


  Agree with concession

Although ample empirical evidence suggests so with respect to television, the answer is far less clear when it comes to communication via computers.

1. Few would argue that since its inception broadcast television has greatly enhanced communication to the masses.

2. Media such as email and the Web are interactive by design, yet email is often used to avoid face-to-face encounters, and in practice is used as a means of distributing quick memos.

3. With respect to Web-based communication, the myriad of educational sites, interactive and otherwise, is strong evidence that the Web tends to enhance, rather than prevent, meaningful communication.



1. 承认,高速的电子通信媒体不能取代人们面对面的交流。In traditional face-to-face communications each person gets a vivid impression of the other, and understands and thoroughly appreciates the other's opinion and mode of expression. We see each other, we hear each other, we can acknowledge what the other is really thinking about with only the hint of gesture. On the other hand, people are getting used to the lack of truthfulness on the internet; who knows what kind of person you are chatting with and who knows what on earth the person you are chatting with is thinking about? In this respect, electronic communications have is inferior to traditional ways of communicating.

2. 但是说他们阻止了人们有思想、有意义的交流不合适。高速的电子通信媒体只是缩短了通信的之间的过程,并没有缩短人们的思维时间
However, it is unfair to conclude that these high-speed electronic communications media prevent meaningful communication.
First of all, the fact that high-speed electronic communications media shorted the time spend in transforming information does not means that they are also depriving the time that cost for people to make a deliberate thinking. 以前阻碍人们交流的最大瓶颈是通讯的时间…… (eliminating some unnecessary time needed in transportation or somthing else which was indispensable in traditional communiction systems.)

3. 高速媒体一方面缩短了人们做出选择的时间,另一方面也为人们快速的做出决策提供了条件。如今社会是一个高速发展的社会,瞬息万变。我们要想在其中生存,只能适应,高速媒体帮助我们适应……With the help of instant systems, people can focus on those central problems in tasks, after all, communication system is just a conciliary tool to solving problems.

4. 高速媒体开阔了人们的视野,因此做出更有意义和思维能力的判断.
Thanks to the high-speed electronic communications, people's spectrum has been greatly broaden and the definition of the item "common sense" has also been expanded, so that modern people could obtain a much more comprehensive understanding of certain issues, which results in more thoughtful and meaningful communication.

End: To summarize the issue, high-speed electronic communication media as a whole are contributes to activating people's thought, and also make the meaningful and thoughtful communication possible for the people around the world.

Do high-speed means of communication, particularly television and computers, tend to prevent meaningful and thoughtful communication, as the speaker suggests? Although ample empirical evidence suggests so with respect to television, the answer is far less dear when it comes to communication via computers.

Few would argue that since its inception broadcast television has greatly enhanced communication to the masses. The circulation of even the most widely read newspapers pales compared to the number of viewers of popular television news programs. Yet traditional television is a one-way communications medium, affording viewers no opportunity to engage those so-called "talking heads" in dialogue or respond. Of course, there is nothing inherent about television that prevents us from meaningful and thoughtful communication with each other. In fact, in television's early days it was a fairly common occurrence for a family to gather around the television together for their favorite show, then afterwards discuss among themselves what they had seen and heard. Yet over time television has proven itself to serve primarily as a baby-sitter for busy parents, and as an means of escape for those who wish to avoid communicating with the people around them. Moreover, in the pursuit of profit, network executives have determined over time that the most effective uses of the medium are for fast-paced entertainment and advertising--whose messages are neither thoughtful nor meaningful.

Do computers offer greater promise for thoughtful and reflective communication than television? Emphatically, yes. After all, media such as email and the Web are interactive by design. And the opportunity for two-way communication enhances the chances of meaningful and thoughtful communication. Yet their potential begs the question: Do these media in fact serve those ends? It is tempting to hasten that the answer is "yes" with respect to email; after are, we've all heard stories about how email has facilitated reunions of families and old friends, and new long-distance friendships and romances. Moreover, it would seem that two-way written communication requires far more thought and reflection than verbal conversation. Nevertheless, email is often used to avoid face-to-face encounters, and in practice is used as a means of distributing quick memos. Thus on balance it appears that email serves as an impediment, not an aide, to thoughtful and reflective communication.

With respect to Web-based communication, the myriad of educational sites, interactive and otherwise, is strong evidence that the Web tends to enhance, rather than prevent, meaningful communication. Distance learning courses made possible by the Web lend further credence to this assertion. Nonetheless, by all accounts it appears that the Web will ultimately devolve into a mass medium for entertainment and for e-commerce, just like traditional television. Meaningful personal interactivity is already yielding to advertising, requests for product information, buy-seU orders, and titillating adult-oriented content.

Thus, on balance these high-speed electronic media do indeed tend to prevent rather than facilitate meaningful and thoughtful communication. In the final analysis, any mass medium carries the potential for uplifting us, enlightening us, and helping us to communicate with and understand one another. However, by all accounts, television has not fulfilled that potential; and whether the Web will serve us any better is ultimately up to us as a society.

Orignal From: Some people believe that our ever-increasing use of technology significantly reduces our opportunities for human interaction. Other people believe that technology provides us with new and better ways to communicate and connect with one another

