Outsider: a person does not belong to a particular group
There is no doubt that different disciplines are interrelated and that the knowledge of one field can shed light on the studies of other fields.
1. Knowledge of statistics was introduced into the fields of sociology and history, contributing to the researchers in those fields.
2. Literary critics borrow new ideas formulated by philosophers to further their studies.
3. When biology and chemistry met, biochemistry came into being.
.可供参考老题库4"No field of study can advance significantly unless outsiders bring their knowledge and experience to that field of study." 几乎没有任何领域能够取得具有重要意义的进步,除非结合其他行业的知识和经验到该领域中来。
Begin: 赞成.其实很多学科不是孤立的,很多学科都是相关的,相互借鉴帮助才会有重大进步,但是进步又不能完全依靠这些。
1. Isolation results in staganation. 很多领域的成功都是需要引进其他的知识,比如最基本的物理,化学知识都是以一定的数学做基础才有的进步的,一些统计学,社会科学,不仅要运用历史学科的收集资料的方法,也要用数学的方法做数据分析,还会用到电脑. 而电脑更是很多学科的共同努力而发明的。市场营销不仅需要经济学的原理,也要社会学内的交流,心理学等等。John Nash 的数学经济学理论。The inclusion of varied fields to the study of any problem provides greater insight and comprehension to make progress.
2. 需要指出的是,并不是引入了外界的知识就可以进步的。If one wants to make great contributions to a certain field, the first and most important thing is to master all its founcational knowledge. 然后通过对其他学科知识的涉猎,综合这些知识,通过自己的归纳总结,才会取得进步。如John Nash对数学知识的掌握非常好,结合了经济学的知识后,归纳总结出了数学经济学理论。
3. Furthermore, 确实有很多领域非常的细小,已经发展到一定阶段跟其他领域的联系不是很大,比如宗教研究里面,再多的物理知识也没用,这两个领域甚至是相斥的。而且没有研究者的付出,任何再多的知识也是没用的。再比如纯数学的研究。,
End:所以我们要看到其他领域的知识对本学科的影响,多角度,视野开阔,但是我们不能依赖于这些知识发展,必须要付出一定的 努力,以及一定的外界支持。
1. 科技发展的趋势是越来越趋向团对化,多领域化。
2. 有些村学术领域不需要其他领域知识和经验
.可供参考老题库132 "The university community consists of three different worlds—the sciences, the humanities, and the social sciences. Because each world operates on its own assumptions and has its own special habits of thinking, rarely is there meaningful interaction among the sciences, the humanities, and the social sciences." 大学包括了三个不同的领域——科学、人文学科以及社会学科。因为每一个领域都根据自己的前提运转,每一个领域都有自己独特的思维习惯,所以在自然科学、人文科学和社会科学之间几乎是不存在有意义的交互的。
1. Admittedly, the university community regards the three different academic endeavors as separate realms.
2. Actually, the three fields are intrinsically interrelated to each other.
3. Combining the relevant methods used respectively in the three fields will be of great help to our study and learning.
.可供参考老题库220 "The increase in knowledge is forcing people to specialize. As a result, the distance between fields of specialization has become so vast that specialists in different areas are rarely able to influence each other." 知识的增加促使了人们的专业化。其结果是不同的专业化领域之间的差异变得越来越大以至于各个领域中的专业人员很少能够互相影响了。
Overspecialization in the academic world is liable to exert negative impacts on academic research in various fields, which makes it necessary for education to encourage interdisciplinary studies.
1. The dramatic increase in knowledge today has made it impossible for any one to keep pace with the latest developments in all academic fields.
2. As a result, specialists in different areas tend to focus only on their own area of study.
3. However, this overspecialization is harmful not only academically but also socially.
4. Schools should aim at cultivating not only specialists but also generalists.
1. 不可否认,许多基础学科的发展主要的成果都是源自内在的创造,伦琴roentgen发现了X射线,魏格纳提出了板块学说和漂移学说。
2. 但是,一个领域的研究可以借签其它领域的成果而取得巨大的进步,当数学家mathematician John Nash把数学的思想用来解释经济现象后,当代的经济领域发生巨大的变化,很多Nobel经济学奖得主是数学家;
3. 随着现代科学和社会的发展各个不同领域之间常常互相影响,新的交叉学科应运而生,不但促进了原有领域的发展还具有很高的新起点。(化学和生物的交叉产生了生化biochemistry,促进了近代临床科学clinic medicine的发展,如人造骨骼artificial bones的应用)随着社会的发展,越来越多的交叉学科出现,各个学科的发展需要多方面的知识。如计算机学科需要多种数学啊,艺术的知识;
4. 尽管很少,仍有一些学科相对独立。例:数学有自己的理论体系(system info),基本依靠计算(calculation)、逻辑推理(logic ratiocinate),哲学(philosophy)依赖思考
I strongly agree with the assertion that significant advances in knowledge require expertise from various fields. The world around us presents a seamless web of physical and anthropogenic forces, which interact in ways that can be understood only in the context of a variety of disciplines. Two examples that aptly illustrate this point involve the fields of cultural anthropology and astronomy.
Consider how a cultural anthropologist's knowledge about an ancient civilization is enhanced not only by the expertise of the archeologist--who unearths the evidence--but ultimately by the expertise of biochemists, geologists, linguists, and even astronomers. By analyzing the hair, nails, blood and bones of mummified bodies, biochemists and forensic scientists can determine the life expectancy, general well-being, and common causes of death of the population. These experts can also ensure the proper preservation of evidence found at the archeological site. A geologist can help identify the source and age of the materials used for tools, weapons, and structures--thereby enabling the anthropologist to extrapolate about the civilization's economy, trades and work habits, life styles, extent of travel and mobility, and so forth. Linguists are needed to interpret hieroglyphics and extrapolate from found fragments of writings. And an astronomer can help explain the layout of an ancient city as well as the design, structure and position of monuments, tombs, and temples--since ancients often looked to the stars for guidance in building cities and structures.
An even more striking example of how expertise in diverse fields is needed to advance knowledge involves the area of astronomy and space exploration. Significant advancements in our knowledge of the solar system and the universe require increasingly keen tools for observation and measurement. Telescope technology and the measurement of celestial distances, masses, volumes, and so forth, are the domain of astrophysicists.
These advances also require increasingly sophisticated means of exploration. Manned and unmanned exploratory probes are designed by mechanical, electrical, and computer engineers. And to build and enable these technologies requires the acumen and savvy of business leaders, managers, and politicians. Even diplomats might play a role--insofar as major space projects require intemafional cooperative efforts among the world's scientists and governments. And ultimately it is our philosophers whose expertise helps provide meaning to what we learn about our universe.
In sum, no area ofinteUectual inquiry operates in a vacuum. Because the sciences are inextricably related, to advance our knowledge in any one area we must understand the interplay among them all. Moreover, it is our non-scienfists who make possible the science, and who bring meaning to what we learn from it.
Orignal From: No field of study can advance significantly unless it incorporates knowledge and experience from outside that field